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Posts posted by fansince88

  1. On 7/28/2020 at 8:29 PM, KD in CA said:


    It's pretty well established that Kodak invented digital before anyone else and mothballed it because they made their real money selling and processing film.

    And the first digital camera they built in 1975 would have cost $25000 to produce.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 9 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:


    I have to wonder. Does this mean they are positive or contact tracking signaled? Edit: here is the answer, This new reserve list category was created for a player who either tests positive for COVID-19 or who has been quarantined after having been in close contact with an infected person or persons. If a player falls into either of these categories, their club is required to immediately place the player on the reserve/COVID-19 list. Per agreed upon NFL-NFLPA policy, clubs are not permitted to comment on player's medical status other than referring to roster status. Clubs may not disclose whether player is in quarantine or is positive for COVID-19.

  3. Just the fact that you called him Gestapo tells me you dont understand the term or position of that title @Penfield45. They were not the leaders. You could however compare the Geheime Staatspolizei to those that are calling in businesses in NY to Fuehrer Cuomo because they are not enforcing masks. You see the Gestapo was a group of 3 different groups as secret police. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, BillStime said:


    I didn't hear what your plan is?


    And you're wrong - Trump DESTROYED our pandemic infrastructure.


    Because you refuse to listen. My plan is stay the course and reopen. I dont need to give you a plan because I havr not criticized it. 

  5. 4 hours ago, BillStime said:


    Let's see - I wouldn't have destroyed our pandemic infrastructure like Trump did the past three years.

    Actually that was Barak. He has biult it back up.  


    I would have jumped on this threat so quickly once my intelligence suggested (in November 2019) there was even a remote problem brewing; something Trump did not do.

    Actually Trump was criticized here for jumping on it so soon.


    I would have let the scientists and medical professionals drive/implement the solution.

    There is a time you have to be President and run the economy of the country.


    This half a$$ed approach is clearly not working - just look at the infection rates and the economy.

    Economy has nearly recovered. Thanks to Trump opening the economy my 401K is right back to where it was in February. 


    We are the only western civilized country NOT fully open for business because this pandemic is out of control in the US.

    Canada is open? 


    What would you do?

    Not vote for you a second term



    Edit: see my replies above.

  6. Just now, BillStime said:

    “People close to Trump say the president’s inability to wholly address the crisis is due to his almost pathological unwillingness to admit error; a positive feedback loop of overly rosy assessments and data from advisers and Fox News; and a penchant for magical thinking that prevented him from fully engaging with the pandemic.”

    One question still dogs Trump: Why not try harder to solve the coronavirus crisis?

    I have to ask, If you were POTUS what would you do?

  7. 4 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    Population of just under 5 million.  Island surrounded by ocean. NYC 8.7 million. Cant argue. They did a much better job then NYC

    Just now, Gene Frenkle said:


    What great success is Trump getting slighted on?

    If he wakes up he gets slighted. Ope your eyes man!

    1 minute ago, BillStime said:

    What a cute little puppy you are... Meanwhile, the White House got caught pumping out anti Fauci stories left and right the last couple weeks.


    When it comes to Trump and his supporters - it is ALWAYS someone else’s fault - and you know that 



    Thst meme states 100% opposite from my point. 

  8. 1 minute ago, BillStime said:

    Good. Scientists seem to be guessing too. They dont lead the country. Trump does. They dont get the blame if it is wrong.  Trump does. They dont get the credit when it works........wait. scrarch the last one.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

    And poor rural whites are not getting better services and health care by voting for the fraud GOP 

    Glad you know so much better then a civil rights activist that has devoted his life to the cause of his fellow black man. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. 10 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    Change what facts?

    The bias ones that are not really facts.

    2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    We can all admit that Democrats have taken the pandemic more seriously and better than Republicans. That's an undeniable fact, right? 


    Republicans don't care about people, they just see people as tools to use. 

    Nope. BTW, you are a tool

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