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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. The Bills got to reopen their message board. Wait......this is Gugny? NM
  2. And the sap is running fast right now
  3. Where is my stake and matches or at least my tar and feathers.
  4. That is how you know you are drafting well? How about they are good enough that other teams want them? I cant agree with this at all
  5. True. We are Mike Williams'd out
  6. didnt you expose him back here under a different name?
  7. he was on JM Friday. He hasnt watched any tape on Kelly
  8. great posts. Welcome
  9. You my friend are IN touch for sure Are you saying you are in charge now? We are here to discuss a team called the bills and enjoy a group of guys and gals we call family. Not to take over! We were plenty large and have no issue getting larger Im sure buy I will say this board was fine before you showed up. Just FYI
  10. Here in the US we call it self esteem
  11. Also dont back talk DC Tom. He will call you an.....well nevermind you will know when it happens
  12. all the new posts by all the new posters is getting out of hand.Am i right?
  13. LOL! We both know that
  14. I agree, not the biggest but will definately do the job with all the sides.
  15. Someone else had the same post today and it got closed.
  16. I use that bathroom during comercials. How much time does this save?
  17. If they cut TT this is what I want to see.
  18. You know Ramon.....he is one of the Humber boys....hes a Linebacker
  19. Hey, where is Manny Lawson?
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