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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. Spectacle? He wasn't even wearing glasses. But, of course after I called @mead107 three times and he didn't answer so I figured Gugny didn't want to share me.
  2. All I saw was a goofy looking dude in a cowboy hat and some ugly short Puerto Rican
  3. @Gugny and @Boyst62. I always wanted to meet you guys at Hammers lot.....now I wonder if not being able to find the TBD section at the opener wasn't a Godsend....
  4. LOL. How come your quote of me was empty?
  5. When we are not burning ourselves or running naked across the field this is what we do.
  6. Hmmm, you do know we made the playoffs right?
  7. Forcast is 58 and sunny. Also you do realize they just played in Miami right. Thats in Florida.
  8. I just checked....Before the one you quoted I didn't reply to this thread. So other than recommending everyone in-post to take the wind out of Don or Chad or whoever his sails might be and this one. both posts of mine added more than all of the OP's. LOL
  9. Everyone should go back and delete all their own replies. That would fix this thread. I'm doing mine now (except for this one)
  10. @8-8 Forever?I hate you for your title. That said, Might I suggest a name change? 8-8 no more
  11. @Virgil, as always well written and brought me back to the game! As far as TT goes I want him gone more than anything but now is not the time to rehash that. LETS GO TT AND LETS GO BUFFALO!!! Happy New year my friend! Go Bills. One question though.....Is your Avatar your HS picture?
  12. I say play TT the first drive then pull him. Let Peterman play a bit and then TT again. He just doesn't stay hot. I'm not sure what the issue is but he can only stay tough to begin with.
  13. My first thought was he knows the refs screwed him and he was joking....but I think now he may have misunderstood. Or.....maybe not.... Who Cares! We are in the playoffs!!!
  14. I jumped up and down the same way.
  15. 1) Tyrod Taylor was only 10 and hadn't even been the backup for the looser Flacco...HAHA 2)Jim Kelly was not in the Hall of Fame. 3) My wife was pregnant with our 3rd child 4)I was 25lbs lighter and only 29
  16. Hey, how about BROKECURSEOFFLUTIE
  17. as long as you don't change it to "we were this close"
  18. @BuffaloRush have you been called an idiot by @DC Tom yet? If not you have yet to enjoy this page!
  19. Well, That's great news! Nothing worse than an minority of majorities or a majority of minorities!
  20. Tyrod is horrible. BTW, didn'tget past your line calling me an idiot. But yeah, Im excited for Sunday
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