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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. @Gugny, Not fair. You got the Flu to aid in weight loss. Cheater Just kidding ole friend. Get well. That said I'm back on track with the workout. Stepped up my reps. Cant straighten out my arms this morning......Working...
  2. It is too late to be too soon. Simple as the complexity of it all for the most part. I'm confident that I believe this may be correct. You know what I'm trying to say @DC Tom
  3. Had a bit of a hiccup this past week. Maintained 195ish so lets see what I can accomplish this week. Took some kids to a youth rally last night and went tubing in Lowville. Whne do you start to realize you are too old to bounce down a hill @40mph on a snow tube...I ache today
  4. Here is the deal....If you want to read the BN posts buy the subscription......If you don't want to buy the subscription then you don't read it. Pretty simple.
  5. Best process would be the process
  6. Plain and simple for me. The "Process" Got us into the playoffs. Continue with the "Process" and I trust these people. Keep building and get a QB that can throw.
  7. Who her....She's ugly.
  8. I say trade the 1st 3 picks for a new kicker....
  9. Pats had copies of ours too...
  10. Little late to the party here. Started @198lbs standing a whopping 5'6" tall. Got myself down to 195.2 this weekend and fell off the wagon a bit. -35 Saturday had me sitting around the house. Like Gugny I have to get #s under control. Weight loss should help. Also whole family is going on vacation at the end of April out west to Moab Utah and on to the Grand Canyon. My sons said they are not carrying mom and I back out so have to get into shape too. Here we go!! What is that?
  11. BTW, You were my inspiration! Love that sceene
  12. I get it. Some don't think Beane is any good
  13. Is this on? Cuz its gunna be! Let me get my bicycle!!!
  14. It is equivalent to the Mets beating the Dodgers to go on and win the WS. This is huge people.
  15. I actually think he was avoiding hitting a defensless receiver. He lowered his shoulder then pulled to the side. He intentionally avoided him.
  16. Glass half empty?
  17. This guy knows....he just doesn't know how to use the search function: @BrooklynBills Thanks for the find! LOL
  18. Hung out in the shoutbox and told stories about @Just Jack........I mean, Hey, How was the movie?
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