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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. Its the 8th inning and we are down by 1. We still have 1 at bat left. Be still, we got this
  2. I wonder if he gave him complete consciousness on his death bed
  3. By Gugny I think you've got it! And there is medication for it you know
  4. Ahhh, you might rabbit....You might.
  5. I would not in a house or with a mouse not in the snow not with a......
  6. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I don't know. I see a punter in there somewhere.
  7. I have felt that if Rosen isnt doable then fill needs in round 1 that are not QB and grab a qb in round 2 or 3. Lean on AJ and let the rookie and Nate battle. They like Nathan and he has had an off season and Im sure he has gotten in a lot of work. Trusting the process until they prove that I shouldn't.
  8. Landing in Denver. Seeing that section of the Rockies. Traveling to Moab Utah and sight seeing over 6 days to GC. (Abreviated version). Lots of walking.
  9. Boy, I love the Kelly Days no doubt. Love the man. Love the QB. If he came straight to Buffalo we may not have seen Bruce Smith
  10. This and next weekend are the last two till I head west to the Grand Canyon, shut ut all down, and enjoy life sans football. Cant wait.
  11. No....no...I dont think they are...nah.
  12. Its pronounced Gee
  13. My name aint Guy.
  14. Yeah well you dont even know what Im talking about either.
  15. Lets argue about not knowing what we wont argue about.
  16. I have no clue what you are talking about. You title and Tread are both confusing
  17. I'm with you 100% man! I have been poking in and out but not taking anything serious. I think there are like 20 new forums a day about 5 different topics. Few weeks to go. Hold on here it comes!!!
  18. Camp body.... Captain Pessimist? Is that you?
  19. 15 days until I fly out to Denver to start my family trip From Denver to the Grand Canyon. So excited. @mead107 is going to be my eyes and ears to keep me informed. I chose him because I trust he wont freak out!
  20. I just did and it spelled clueless.
  21. Now that Pats have 2 picks he wont make round 2. Watch.
  22. Here is the problem. You say LJ will be good. Others say he will be garbage. That is the same struggle every team will have.
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