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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. Thats why i excersize
  2. What is sad about this is all the people without names. I mean, Ive seen homeless people and that sucks....but no name? Rough!
  3. Exactly! Who doesnt have 1.5 million dollars just lying around?
  4. Or......you could have made it about football. Just saying.
  5. In interest of staying on topic. Wheres the beef was 1984.....wow. I was 14! Also, cant comment on Chillis, never tried them. Im nore of a fan of mom and pops resturants then franchises. We went to a diner in Leads Utah called Papa Gus'. They had ribs sooooo good you wanted to take the bone home in a doggie bag to eat later
  6. Yes....and Im doing pork ribs anyway. Wife just aske me how much longer...haha....she struggles with slow cooked.
  7. I wouldn't be more suprised if I woke up with my head sown to the carpet Eddie
  8. Im not standing. Sitting in my gazebo cooking ribs on the charcoal Wont last too long I think. Where's the beef
  9. Great, another post about how much Richie will want to come back after he acted like a big jerk to try to get his way and then retired then acted like a big jerk because he retired. He is done here.
  10. But, how many times does Brady leave the game on a cart?
  11. Most receint is letting TT play our only Playoff game in 17 years. ARRRRRG!
  12. Yes, he was better as a RB that could throw. Not a QB that could run
  13. So, Let's get real about what?
  14. 20 lbs is great. Keep chugging along. The fact that you are loosing slowly is great. Keeps it off longer. My biggest deal is I used to be uncomfortable sitting in the same jeans I now have to pull up constantly....because of the weight training. Alos because of the weight traini g I have not lost as much weight as I could have but at this rate 180-85 will be ideal.
  15. Highly sought after?
  16. Oh shut up already...would you rather hear we won the off season? And I dont want to hear about how bad the WR crew is untill they actually have a QB throw to them.
  17. I want you to know I read this in my best Muscle Man voice.
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