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Everything posted by Bills!Win!

  1. So our current stadium is half underground, what if they make a new type of stadium that’s 100% underground with seat coverings
  2. I’m not sure if anyone else asked this but if this happened last October why is it all of the sudden now coming out?
  3. I want to sign up for hammers lot for bills titans. My first game since 2012. What should I expect ?
  4. Well since we are talking about it, I need 2 tickets to the bills titans game lol. Message me if you’re selling.
  5. Bumping this post. Still looking. Would love to buy from a TBD member instead of buying tickets elsewhere
  6. I can’t believe that in 2022 I can’t find a way to listen to the game live if I don’t llive in Buffalo
  7. How can I listen to this game tomorrow without having to pay for it ? Everything on the NFL app makes you pay now
  8. I live in Albany area so my local CBS and Fox Channels don’t always show the Bills games. They’d rather show the garbage New Jersey teams. Without paying for Sunday ticket how can I assure that I am able to watch Bills games? Is it paramount plus? Does paramount plus show all cbs NFL games? Inbox me if you have another way that you don’t want to share
  9. Looking for 2 tickets in the 100 or 200 section anywhere between 20 and 50 yard line. Message me if you’re looking to sell
  10. I hate to be the guy to start yet another thread about this. I’m looking for anywhere between 2-6 tickets. I am in Rochester just tomorrow so it works out if I can get them.
  11. Sent a message. I might have been a little late
  12. As an adult I have no desire for autographs. That may be because when I was 8 years old doug flutie blew off me and my dad at St. John fisher and even said something rude to my dad. Can’t remember what though
  13. Stupid question. Do they currently require vaccination to attend?
  14. Brady wouldn’t be very good at corner
  15. So coronavirus isn’t going away yet we are just going to keep pretending that we can make it go away by canceling everything?
  16. I’ve waited 20 years to see the patriots suck. It’s great
  17. Covid has been going on for what, 7 months now? Why do people think it’s just going to go away?
  18. it’s ok to keep spamming the same message?
  19. Losing to the 2nd worst nfl team
  20. Remember all of those people that were angry we traded our first round pick?
  21. Is he over 300 yards for the first time ?
  22. They’ve also been going crazy for mid-air punts.
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