The eagles scare me to death. They have Super Bowl experience and have weapons at every position.
We have also only lost super bowls against nfc east teams
I watched red zone while the bills were playing. I have not done that this year. I would say I’m sorry but it resulted in the patriots not getting the #1 pick
Sunday 1pm now that it’s Denver?
so dumb that we have to wait until tonight when over 95% of the matchups will be set other than the nfc north (1 and 5 seeds)
I am a WNY transplant living in Albany area. My disdain for the giants and jets has increased year after year
they have almost topped the chiefs, patriots, cowboys and dolphins
Shouldn’t the very fact that Jackson is playing right now and Allen will play one series because they have the #2 seed clinched prove that Allen was more valuable to his team this year? I rest my case
Am I the only one that suspects that Cook is going to ramp it up another level in the playoffs? He looks like he’s running half speed and he’s still breaks long runs
he will occasionally plow someone over too
The reason why everyone on here is so hard on him is because of the injuries.
The fact that he lays his body on the line is what makes him stand out, but it’s also the reason why he’s injury prone. People need to take the good with the bad
When do we find out which time slot and day the bills will be hosting the wildcard game? I can make it if it’s Saturday or Monday but not Sunday. I hope they give us more than a week’s notice. There’s a lot to plan logistically for out of town fans like myself
Does anyone know from previous seasons when they usually announce? I hope it’s not after the SNF game for the nfc north
How much does Milano play against the Patriots? Maybe he plays the first half so he gets some time in and then can rest?
He played exceptionally well yesterday. I only saw one (maybe) two missed shoestring tackles