When is Hailee’s birthday? She is the key to our success. Like the First Lady next to the president. If she doesn’t treat him right it could effect his psyche
How many lacrosse teams are there? If there were at least 20 I’d start following it
it kind of has the feel of minor league hockey. I grew up in Rochester as an Amerks fan. You can get excited but at the end of the day it’s not the main stage or the biggest thing around
Beat seats in the house? Any section row one. Feel free to spend your whole paycheck on them but you’re up close and don’t have to stand the whole game
I watched it. My wife wasn’t around for the Gronk and Edelman days so she knows nothing about them. She immediately saw them and said they are the definition of douchebags.
Kevin Hart must have done a line of coke before the event. He was whacked and not even funny. Made the whole event about himself. Kept randomly saying “WHAT? WHAT?” When the crowd would laugh.
Belichick was funny but he looked nervous talking in front of people. I think he acted the way he did in front of the media because he was projecting. I think he is just naturally a socially awkward person.
I fast forwarded through Gronk And Edelman because they are just tools. Also, most of the Hollywood people are freaking weird. I’m so glad we live in the Northeast.
Im so confused. When is schedule release? Why is it so hard for the nfl to schedule the schedule release? Maybe they can make a fan event day of scheduling the scheduling of schedule release day
Think of all the fans of opposing teams seeing the Bills on their schedule and getting a sinking feeling in their stomach. It would be a nightmare facing Josh Allen. He could just as easily break off a 75 yard run as he could a 75 yard bomb through the air. He can also stiff arm your defensive tackle or just as easily dive over all of your linemen on 4th and goal. Horrifying
I hate, despise and loathe the Kansas City chiefs so much that I don’t even really hate the patriots or bostons teams anymore. Heck, even Bill Belichick looks happy now and I don’t cringe when I see Brady or Gronk on commercials.