My Fellow Bills Fans:
If I remember correctly, in Lynch's rookie season he had a great year and produced many points. We all thought he was the best running back that we've had this whole decade and all of the fans adored him not only beacuse of his personality, but becasue of his playing ability. The following year he missed a few games, and still produced the same numbers. This year, he seemed to have some troubles on and off the field, which led to him being less productive. Did everyone forget how terrible the Bills' line was? You can't blame this horrible season on any one person. It's a team effort, and if one peice of the puzzle doesn't fit in, it all starts to get out of shape. So before you start ranting and raving on Lynch, and how he is a bust who is no longer effective, please look at the bigger picture.
Conclusion: we don't need LT, we need a LEFT TACKLE + other linemen that are actually good.