When I think of Parrish I think of players like Losman McGahee, Evans, McCargo, Everett, J. Reed, Whitner, and Dockery. Players that were overrated and just gave you a sick to your stomach feeling. When I think of those guys I think of 2005-2008, what I like to call the "bleh years." I think Roscoe Parrish is the last link on our team of the "bad luck players." it's hard to describe, really. When I look at our team, for once I actually like just about every player that put on a bills uniform in 2011, with the exception of McGee. Heck, even Kelsay looks improved this year.
What Im really trying to say as I type this is that Parrish and McGee just give me a bad vibe(maybe it's just bad memories) when I see them on the field or when I see their name on the depth chart. When I see all the other players on the team, I feel optimistic.
Can I get an amen or am I just crazy?