As we all know, Van Miller was the voice of the Buffalo Bills. All of the flashbacks and highlights of the 80's and 90's are best seen and heard when you can hear Van Miller calling the game. Many of us have the fondest of memories while listening to him call the game, and to me, hearing his voice reminds me of the "Glory Years." Really, who doesn't get chills hearing Van Miller get excited?
Buffalo has been blessed to have people like Rick Jeanerette and Van Miller be the voice of our sports teams. But unlike Rick Jeanerette, the voice of the Buffalo Sabres, when you google search or youtube Buffalo Bills or Van Miller, you can't really find any highlight films or tributes. I'm thinking of making a montage of the best highlights and moments of Van Miller. We should have a topic where we post videos or even audio of any Van Miller calls or highlights of any Buffalo Bills games/videos including him. Good idea?