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Everything posted by Bills!Win!

  1. I like the 4:30 part of it. Living in Rochester that means I can get home at a decent time after traveling/post game traffic
  2. How do the Saints have all of this money for players like Byrd and Bailey?
  3. Its strange finding a video that i made being posted by others.... I plan on adding on to it each year. This year will be probably be maybe 30 seconds to 2 minutes of highlights, most of them probably focusing on EJ Manuel and our dominant defense. Anyone have any good clips that I could play around with and add to this video? Thanks for the comments btw, I made this for the enjoyment of all Bills fans and for people in other places to realize how good it can be here when we are good.
  4. We need the red endzone back
  5. Anyway to listen to this game on my iPhone? The Wgr app doesn't stream the games
  6. I will never go to a bills game in buffalo again. The last game I went to was this dolphins game. We got there a half hour before kickoff, waited in lime for about 50 minutes with no standing room and people spilling beer all over us. We finally got in around the end of the first quarter... As we got in the ushered wouldn't let us in until there was a stop in play. Which took us to the end of then first quarter... I have gone to dozens of games in my life, showed up at the same time, did the same things, but never got ln late like that... Then I proceeded to go in after the ushers allowed us to find our seats. There were 7 of us all together and half of our seats were taken by some young punk morons... Also, the seats were in the very center so I had to walk through the whole aisle, where everyone is standing, and barely any room to get by, meanwhile plays are happening. So I go to an usher and tell him to get these drunk idiots to move, they move and we finally get to our seats.... Midway through the 2nd quarter two girls in front of us were hammered as can be, and one of them actually fell on me as I was sitting down... She could barely stand up... Once again I had To go get an usher Later in the 3rd quarter there was this guy with his shirt off with 3 girls. He was screaming his head off the whole game. I don't mind that, but he was doing it wen when there was nothing happening on the field..... He then kept taking the hat off of my friend in front of me, and after 3-4 times my friend flipped out but didn't start a fight..... Later in the 4th quarter the drunk guy has his shirt on and is almost crying because he's so cold and he's leaning against one of the other women, so pathetic.... Then as I was leaving to use the bathroom in the 4th quarter, some dolphins fan knocked a sign from out of my hands as I was leaving my seat, then to top it all off there was a fist fight in the street near our parking lot as we were leaving and some guy almost hit us with his car... Then it took us 3 hours to get home. We live an hour away I am not making any of this up
  7. The correct answer is, I would pick a team in the same division and root for them, just so I can enjoy watching the relocated bills team lose
  8. Chris fuamatuma'afala
  9. Brandon Marshall suffered from a personality disorder. Didn't the raiders center miss the Super Bowl in 2003 because of the same thing? Sounds legit to me
  10. It's because most of the bills fans ages 15-35 have spent their whole life not knowing what winning is about and think that the game is just a party where they can go and get wasted with 60,000 other people.. I've been to other stadiums where that's not the case.
  11. It's the annual white out game that we lose
  12. These are the worst 2 announcers in football
  13. Or how about Washington skins
  14. Week 7 and it's time to root for my fantasy players. Not looking forward to this
  15. There's always next year. 2-5 here we come
  16. Seriously I think Fred Jackson and/or cj spiller gets hurt every game.
  17. The only shows I listen to are the Howard Simon show and the John murphy show. They are actually worth listening to, the only part I don't like about Howard Simon is that he and everyone on the show with him thinks that their take on every opinion is always right and nobody can prove them wrong. They may be arrogant but it's usually good to listen to 4/5 days a week
  18. Watch us make the playoffs as the 7 seed for the first time in 15 years, go all the way to the Super Bowl and win. Our whole organization would have an asterisk next to it
  19. Actually I was at the game and came away with the exact opposite viewpoint
  20. Wow. I am surprised at the great hospitality of Cleveland fans. This game was great to attend
  21. Where could I find parking that is not at the stadium then?
  22. Or maybe jim Leonard, Aaron Williams and dennoris search will all get hurt
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