I will never go to a bills game in buffalo again. The last game I went to was this dolphins game. We got there a half hour before kickoff, waited in lime for about 50 minutes with no standing room and people spilling beer all over us. We finally got in around the end of the first quarter...
As we got in the ushered wouldn't let us in until there was a stop in play. Which took us to the end of then first quarter... I have gone to dozens of games in my life, showed up at the same time, did the same things, but never got ln late like that...
Then I proceeded to go in after the ushers allowed us to find our seats. There were 7 of us all together and half of our seats were taken by some young punk morons... Also, the seats were in the very center so I had to walk through the whole aisle, where everyone is standing, and barely any room to get by, meanwhile plays are happening.
So I go to an usher and tell him to get these drunk idiots to move, they move and we finally get to our seats.... Midway through the 2nd quarter two girls in front of us were hammered as can be, and one of them actually fell on me as I was sitting down... She could barely stand up... Once again I had To go get an usher
Later in the 3rd quarter there was this guy with his shirt off with 3 girls. He was screaming his head off the whole game. I don't mind that, but he was doing it wen when there was nothing happening on the field..... He then kept taking the hat off of my friend in front of me, and after 3-4 times my friend flipped out but didn't start a fight..... Later in the 4th quarter the drunk guy has his shirt on and is almost crying because he's so cold and he's leaning against one of the other women, so pathetic....
Then as I was leaving to use the bathroom in the 4th quarter, some dolphins fan knocked a sign from out of my hands as I was leaving my seat, then to top it all off there was a fist fight in the street near our parking lot as we were leaving and some guy almost hit us with his car... Then it took us 3 hours to get home. We live an hour away
I am not making any of this up