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The Wiz

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Everything posted by The Wiz

  1. Ball is spotted at the location of the foul, not where they end up. Don't ask me why, that's the explanation I was given.
  2. Will they call it "who wants to lose an nfc championship?" The answer is always green Bay.
  3. Did anyone ask the local fauna how they felt about this change of name?
  4. The new Mexico Aztecs just signed Willie Beaman. I think they have a shot.
  5. Let's also not forget that the Bills are 0-3 when Allen scores a receiving TD. Might just turn the game off if he catches another one this year (not really but you know).
  6. Yea I have a hard time believe Rodgers came into his first practice his rookie year was like, "Hey Mike! How's it going?" And that was Mike Sherman, not McCarthy.
  7. Honestly like the way the Sabres are playing right now. One things for sure, Granato is getting these guys to play well enough to watch and be entertaining.
  8. The fun part was screwing with her for a few weeks when it was on from 11pm-12am(24 time) we would watch it at 8pm(or 9 can't remember) and record it and invite her over to watch it at 11pm when it has already aired.
  9. I completely agree. I don't take any game lightly. I was just stating that Tua had a good game against a team that really hasn't done much (yes I know, so have the Bills) but we at least are putting those teams away instead of losing on last second FGs. God, remember those days.
  10. Against a team that has beaten the Giants and the Jets this season (and Miami after the game). He was a game manager in that game. Not a threat to overtake the game. He's 23rd in Y/A passing and hasn't shown that he can beat teams deep even if he has the horses in the stable to run free. I just don't think his body is right still from that hip injury because he has very little velocity on his throws and he's only going to get worn down more and more.
  11. I always laugh at the videos of these professional athletes getting upset when some snaps a picture of them or says something to them and then they start crying "not during my swing!" and have someone thrown out of the gallery. PGA really needs a real life version of Happy Gilmore to make it interesting.
  12. From what I've heard/seen, most professional golfers are pricks because all they are trained to care about is themselves. Everyone loves Phil on TV but apparently he is one of the worst players on tour and to fans in the stands.
  13. God that show brings back memories of the dumbest person I've ever met. They literally thought that the show was live at each interval of the day and wondered who would get up at 3am-4am to watch it. No joke.
  14. I was waiting for that name to show up.
  15. My wife said "I don't know" she acting kinda funny. I said "Everybody funny, now you funny too!"
  16. I like this one.
  17. Yea the next 3 are probably their toughest games. Unless they play the "good" Steelers, their last 6 should be relatively easy for them if henry can keep running like he is.
  18. Rich old white men having to worry about emails they sent a decade ago? Most of congress has a lot to worry about. JMO.
  19. Can't, he destroyed his phone, remember (since that's the only place they are stored).
  20. Losing their team that makes them hundreds of millions of dollars a year. No biggie.
  21. I don't have the mesh eyeholes on my mask. I did have to use my safe word though which is why I needed to make changes later.
  22. Just walk on by and give him the 'ol "hat grab and thumbs up" like he does when he enters the stadium to go to work.
  23. Every situation is walking on eggshells at this point with the NFL when it comes stuff like this. They are going to keep everyone away with a 20 ft pole if they think it's going to be bad for the league. The issue with a player is it will hurt the team, therefore the owner and then cause issues between Roger and the owner. At least in this situation, I think the Texans are playing it safe by making him inactive so the team isn't hurt nor is the league (at least in appearance anyways).
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