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The Wiz

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Everything posted by The Wiz

  1. I drank so much last night that I could barely see and still would call a better game than this.
  2. Allen's shovel pass is just as strong as Tua's normal throw.
  3. no replay on that call, figures.
  4. Was really strange to see him drop like that when he caught the ball.
  5. I honestly think he's checking most plays at the line so far this qtr.
  6. Ok, that tony romo/tostitos commercial was actually kinda funny.
  7. Making Lawrence see ghosts out there
  8. Manny Sands! Nice adjustment.
  9. Hughes held yet again. Keep the flags in your pocket refs.
  10. Webb, Fromm gave Mitch covid.
  11. Well that was a funny penalty on Mitch 🤣
  12. Even Lawrence wants to be a buffalo bill.
  13. Lol. Nothing yet. Still drunk from last night though.
  14. You buy a shirt let that I bet you get a few bowl of soup. Oh but it looks good on Diggs though.
  15. A lot to divulge there. I asked you previously how you felt about pitchers and goalies getting wins that you didn't answer. I don't mind, just bring it up again because I feel like that's the reason why they are given wins and loses. Those players aren't always going to play their best but they are the ones most responsible for how your team performs. I completely understand where you are coming from with the "wins mean nothing" stance because it does differ from game to game. At the same time, I don't really think it is a "stat" of a qb as much as it is a "metric" for the analytics people.
  16. So do you not believe in pitcher wins and goalie wins also? Just curious. And yes, the amount of variables that go into winning games is a ridiculous thing to measure but when you see a game like Allen vs the Colts in the playoffs how can you not say that he was the reason they won that game?
  17. Thankfully, not buffalo..... I hope.
  18. Actually you just proved that they are. Not winning a superbowl doesn't make any of them less of a player. And group A winning a superbowl doesn't make them a greater player. The entirety of their career is the difference between the two groups. Whether they have a championship or not, group B is vastly better because they won a lot.
  19. They should really get rid of that W column in every single website that has every single qbs stats then.
  20. 20 of those runs will be Allen also.
  21. You made no mention of the % that you spoke of and provided screenshots when I asked for a link. Did you misunderstand something?
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