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The Wiz

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  1. his 40 time is still less than his kids born this past season though so he's got that going for him.
  2. So the question was "who is the worst bills player of all time?" Didn't specify trades, draft pick, FA signing. Listening again, I do kind of like Cody Ford a bit. Gave him every opportunity to start and was just trash from start to finish.
  3. I'm basically playing the devils advocate on this one I'll just say that the facts are still pretty damning for him: 1st round pick beat out by a 6th rounder had to trade for a 30 yr old CB to replace him the journeymen that we have normally get the call up over him when the starting 2 are out. Might not make him the "worst" but definitely puts him in the "biggest bust" category.
  4. Like the reasoning for both. Mike WIlliams and Marcell were probably the two highest picks that got paid and weren't worth it. Marcell had his moments and was probably an average player but what he was making as the #3 overall pick, he needed to be a game wrecker and never even came close.
  5. Just watch a clip and obviously people are picking players that either blew a big game or were just bad (Peterman, Norwood, JP Losman were some of them). I know most on here would probably throw out some better names like Erik Flowers and Aaron Maybin but it left me thinking. Is Elam approaching the threshold? I would say he could be if you were talking about "worst pick of all time" but in terms of player, he has been boom or bust. Offseason topic since everything is slow so would be interested to see how everyone feels.
  6. I know KC likes their criminals but Toney is really toeing the line.
  7. This is the type of thing like the "Diggs WTF? on the sideline" will carry the offseason chatter for the talking heads.
  8. Man social media has been fun today but had to share this. Shady put the MVP vote into the best perspective possible.
  9. I love how they had Allen front and center with Hailee but just realized they had him sitting with John Hamm also. Definitely starting to think that Hollywood might be calling at some point.
  10. So..... real?
  11. Also Saquan wasn't there and won. Though there really wasn't much question about who was going to win OPOY.
  12. Jokes really leaning into the Refs/Chiefs relationship.
  13. It must have for such a massive betting swing with 4-5 hours prior to the event.
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