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Everything posted by Sammyboy

  1. I'm all about MartyBall....He wins..Pure and simple....Can't win in the playoffs until you get there...He gets you there......He's heads up, physical, fundamental football. If he wins 12 games are you going to complain? Not me.......I want something to cheer about again...
  2. Now...That was a funny post....unfortunately
  3. Brandon better be finding a job for himself next year.. Knowing his type..He's in self preservation mode right now and has feelers out throughout the league....He is a good promoter.....We've been buying his sh-t for years. Its us who will suffer.....as always when your a Bills fan
  4. BillsVet---Can't argue with you there... You're absolutely, 100 % correct... All I'm saying is build from the lines out. If you have a great Oline then your Qb could---and I say could be servicable. And if you're QB is half way proficient----welll then there you go..It starts with the big heavies up front on both sides of the ball...Give me good lines and I'll show you good backs. Give me great lines and I'll show you great backs...
  5. Was fun... BTW Like the Pink Floyd thing ya got going. Today went slept in, went for a hike, worked with my bird dog, drank a few beers. Life is good. Didn't stress about the food at the tailgate.what was gonna happen, whether the people around us would be cool. Didn't even watch football today. Worked in the yard and made a nice corned beef and cabbage dinner......Miss the Bills though
  6. I like the guys we've got...And they will get better.... But...establish a running game and give them some confidence... These guys are green. Line em up and let them kick someones as--s.. Instead we go no huddle with a bunch of rookies and have them looking at each other going...Huh? Build a line, establish a running game...And MAYBE...I said Maybe....Trent might look like a half way decent QB..
  7. Bills-Vikes---Bills smoke em and Vikes---my second favorite team....goes 0-5........But .....alas.....
  8. My pick is ---Marty Schottenheimeimer...you said it---He just knows how to win.....Believe it or not..To win in the post season you've first got to get there. HE WILL get you there. Right now he would have this team...yes this team..have a winning record....And in the lots we'd be talking possible playoffs. Alll I want is to be competitive.... A chance later on....And he could deal with Ralph..... What do you think?
  9. Competitive for the whole game, the whole season.... and know that when I go to the seven games that other teams know that the home team has an advantage.
  10. Define Win.....Its not beating the spread.....Even then.. the Bills lose a lot of the time... Moral victories? We're still talking about the Pats game... But ya know what? Its a loss..... I just want to be competitive.
  11. Why?....Really....Why?....Make a run?? Are you kidding? My feeling is get rid of everyone that you don't feel will be of use in the future. Trade or do whatever you can for draft picks now and for the next couple of years. After this fiasco of a year ends get some real front office people and a real coach and make the next few years hopeful.
  12. why bother. get a draft pick for him...this seasons toast. he's really not that good....he goes down with an arm tackle...And he's whining now...Get a draft pick....
  13. Jeez-calling a game on fantasy football. Well lets see. TO is doing squat for me. But Buffalos D and Lindell is kicking ass for me. So how should I call it? Regardless, I'm a Bills fan. I hope they kick butt and I can sit in the stands and not sweat the 4th quarter.
  14. How about we get to 4-4 before we start thinking of 6-4. I remember thinking last year we're 5-1. All we've got to do is go 5-5 the rest of the year and we're in the playoffs. Boy, was i stupid. Now, get by the Texans and then rest a week and get ready for the Titans. One at a time folks. One at a time.
  15. Sure, why not? Everybody always has a chance. I'll keep my fingers crossed. But in the last 2 years I've sat through the thrillers of the SF game and the last Cleveland game. Best thing in that game was the planes flying over during the national anthem.
  16. Everybody seems to like Stroud. Didn't he miss that tackle on the touchdown run last Sunday? I'd rather have two Kyle Williams at DT
  17. 2001 Pats had the "tuck rule" which to me if a QB brings his arm forward and the balll hits his other hand, its a fumble. And since then, the Pats have gotten almost every break in the book, including last week with the roughing the passer calls against Baltimore. The refs handed NE the game! Opening week. Whitner being called for Spearing. Shoulder first. When is tat a spear? When it's against the Pats. Its so blatant that I live in NE and even the local sports radio talk shows are starting to laugh about it. They're in disbelief about the Buff and the Balt games. So am I a consperior theorist or a fan who watches a lot of games with "some " knowledge of football. .........All I know is that I'm a diehard Bills fan since th early sixties who lives in an area with "diehard" Pats fans who became fans in 2001. It sucks.
  18. Get them somebody who can get them "the damned ball". They are both damned good recievers, we just don't get them the ball. Remember folks, it all starts with the blocking up front. We're hurting there. I love the interior of the line. It's not great, but it will be. But the tackles-CPR NOW. I want our center and two guards on the team. I like them and think they'll be very good if not dominant in the next few years. Trent either needs to grow a set or we need to draft a QB next year. Because there's no one out there right now that I think we can pin our hopes on.
  19. Flies usually buzz around piles of crap....And I'm an optimist. I care about this team. I really do. 630 miles one way because of my season tickets. I love the atmosphere in the lots and in the stadium. Sometimes I'm embarrassed by our "fans", but we're usually good hearted. I grew up in WNY, but like so many Had to move away for economic purposes. Couldn't afford seasons during the glory years unfortunately. And now, when I make the 10 hour drive or pay for the flight..please include the cash that I pay for hotels, eating etc...I have to swallow this! Man, its heartbreaking. I can stand losing. It happens. But year after year of finding ways to lose is tough. Bring Marty in now and we'd finish 10-6. Might not make the playoffs but we'd all have some hope. See you Sunday in the lots. I don't think its going to be the best of crowds though.
  20. Fun observation Major....All I can say is that at least Ralph isn't wearing a 70's polyester suit like Al Davis still wears. And Ralph doesn't look like Yoda. The Bills are unique. Only two teams I can think of..One Minnesota---4 NFC championships.....no rings.....Two---Jacksonville..small market team, early success... Jax started doing well...And since suffered in mediocrity. But the Bills are unique. They are so ingrained in our community, our minds and in our hearts, that its hard to think of Buffalo without the Bills. I'm sure Minnesota feels the same way about the Vikes. But Jax doesn't care about the Jags. So we're an oddity. A small market team with an avid fan base. Win or lose. Maybe its good or maybe its bad..I don't know.....I went through my years of giving up on them...Two 2-14 seasons in a row are tough to live with. But when I bleed my red blood cells are shaped like little standing red buffaloes.
  21. I live in Maine and have season tickets. Either a long drive or a flight, but its worth it. The tailgating alone is worth the price of admission. The thing that killed me this year were the two 4:00 starts. Monday after the Saints game I had to attend an 8:00AM Monday meeting. Had to leave everything early to start the drive back..Looking back, a good move. 10 hours drive home through the rain. I made the meeting. Can't believe they called it Friday afternoon. For the Tampa game I made plane reservations early. Only $150. for a flight. Land in Maine at 8:41 and leave a shirt and tie in the car. Change and can be working by 9:30. The Adams Mark is very good at honoring they're $50. room rate if you have a ticket. But the cabbies run you all over unless you tell them you know how far it is to the airport. Anyways, go, enjoy. You won't believe the hospitality in the parking lots. Eat heavy, because people will be offering you a lot of drinks....And you don't want to be rude. Can't wait until Cleveland.
  22. Really can't understand the love for TO. Oh, being in marketing and sales I can see, but other than that....JEEEZ. He's a great sales figure....Notice:season ticket sales. Other than that he's a one year"fix". He's got five "catches" and two "drops". Wish I could make his kind of money and be as successful as he is in his profession "this year". Truthfully, he's not that good anymore. Let him go. Draft a future gut or develop one that TO is grooming..But let him go yo Oakland, or Jax or the netherworld of the NFL
  23. Sorry Niagra Bill, But you try to suck the emotion out of me. But I will continue o be somewhat optimistic. Its way too early in the season not to have some hope. Am I a homer?...Yep... But next week I'll be in the stands....and the following week too.
  24. Right or wrong. Loadholt or not. To me, building a football team is from the inside out. Build a good line...from the center out. then get a good qb, then get rb's and wideouts that can run and catch. This year the Bills made a major overhaul, again, on the o-line. Was it needed? Absolutely.Unfortunately, we had too many years of ignoring the basics. Say what you will about Levy. He didn't make the right choices, but he got the team heading back in the right direction. This team might not be better this year but its got a good nucleus of young players at the important positions (line) than its had in a long time.
  25. My point is that there are plenty of terrific college players from big name schools that are total busts in the NFL. Poz is good, He will be better. He's not going to make anyone forget about Taylor, Ditka or other huge name linebackers. Conlan never really looked good in coverage either. Put some Players around him. When you get to this level it doesn't matter where you came from, it matters how hard you're willing to work to be the best you can possibly be. Lots of Heisman trophy winners that were great college players but never made it in the NFL.
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