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Everything posted by Sammyboy

  1. Gutting the scouting department
  2. Yep. Still painted on the side.
  3. That’s where I park for every home game
  4. I bought that picture in Jackson Hole earlier this year. Its called Ghost of the Plains and the photographer is Gary Crandall.
  5. Mine are at 6:45 too. I’m in the dunn tire club. I know there’s no seats in the club but can you stand inside and have a beverage for awhile.
  6. I managed to get two in 231. Call in time was 10:30.
  7. I have had two club seats for twelve years. Got online at 1130. No seats available. Thought there was a seniority element to getting tickets. Well maybe if things go well there’ll be more available for the next game.
  8. A framed picture of Mike Stratton hitting Keith Lincoln. Autographed by both players.
  9. Who cares. He can pick his nose if he wins games
  10. I’m going. Gives me a chance to give them a round of applause for a good season.
  11. I think revamping the entire scouting department isn’t recognized enough.
  12. Kraft took him out for a tugger as a goodbye gift
  13. Have my tickets. Tailgating with a large group of browns fans in the pit.
  14. I’ll look for you at the home opener
  15. I park there too. Have been for years. Don’t go to the preseason games anymore but make all the regular season games.
  16. Mine finally came today. Didn’t get a bills bucks card with the tickets this year.
  17. Still haven’t got mine. I wonder if they send them out in batches in alphabetical order. That would put me towards the end of the mailing list.
  18. I could really do without the train horn.
  19. All I know is that this is the first time in a very long time that I actually like the coach, the gm, and the qb all at the same time.
  20. I actually like the packers. Beginning to dislike Aaron Rodgers. Don’t know why. Only teams I really dislike are the pats and cowboys.
  21. Now that the Bears are out of it, probably the Chiefs. Just don’t want to see the pats in it.
  22. I don’t usually go to preseason games but I’m going to this one. Got to see Allen.
  23. One of my buddies is good friends with Joe Kim so I’ve met him a few times and talked to him about football. He tried working with Maybin when he was drafted here. Said he was hopeless. Tried to get him to do extra work after practice and maybin wouldn’t show up.
  24. Sorry, fan violence is never cool. Been to many games at many stadiums. You've got to expect some grief when you're in an opposing stadium. I always took it with good nature but when I've got kids with me its a different story. If it goes over the line, whatever your line is, call security. I did it to Bills fans who went across the line with a Pats fan in the 300 level last year.......Guy and his kid....drunk bills fan giving him sh.t.....continually..... I'm one row behind, ask him to stop, ask his friends to help me make him stop. They try...They knew it was out of line....text security.. problem solved.....Only problem is that guy and his kid (probably 8 yrs old) got up and left. What do you think their impression of Bills fans is? Anyway, going to the Cleveland game and tailgaiting with a bunch of Browns fans. Will wear my Bills stuff once I get inside. Learned my lesson. Easier to stuff my Bills stuff where it can't be seen till I get inside.
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