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Estelle Getty

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Everything posted by Estelle Getty

  1. After watching a few preseason games I now remember what our real achilles heal was last year and it wasn't Manuel. I know it is just preseason however there are two troubling aspects of his play calling he has not corrected. 1. Not letting EJ throw the deep ball- One of the reasons the Bills said they drafted him is his arm strength. Yet Hackett does not let EJ throw the deep ball in game settings. How will he ever utilize one of his strengths if he cant practice in GAME SETTINGS! 2. On third and fourth and short running plays out of the shotgun- Hackett is tipping his hand that he is going to throw the ball. This makes it much much easier on the defense. On the off chance that you are going to run the ball you are not allowing the RB to gain the momentum he needs to plow through the line which is why we are always getting stuffed when he does run in these situations. My question is where is Marrone the former offensive "guru" of the Saints in all of this.
  2. That is totally on hackett. U dont go out of the shotgun w 1 yard to go. It takes away the defense having to worry about the run. And if u do run the rb has no foward momentum. Now i remember how bad he is.
  3. Out of everyone it seems Whaley is the one to keep. He has made some nice acquisitions and seems competent. Our coach and qb were not 100% his decision. And Marrone is appearing to be a mental midget such as Schiano and Gregg Williams. This is of course based on the presumption we will not have a winning record like in 13 outa the last 14 years.
  4. Out of everyone it seems Whaley is the one to keep. He has made some nice acquisitions and seems competent. Our coach and qb were not 100% his decision. And Marrone is appearing to be a mental midget such as Schiano and Gregg Williams. This is of course based on the presumption we will not have a winning record like in 13 outa the last 14 years.
  5. He is a solid QB, hardly a freak of nature. But appears to be much better than EJ from what we saw last year. I will give EJ this: great or not at least he is competent on the field which is something we havent been able to say since our old pal Drew Bledsoe
  6. Mr rags i get to slap you around and call you Susie due to your lost bet against me. Saying alex carrington was going to get 4 years 20 million. I laughed at u and made that bet. He got 1 year and 1 million. Let me know where to meet you Susie.
  7. I think you guys are getting Hariston and Donald Jones confused. Im almost positive i remember reading this off season that hariston had some kind of hip condition last year. According to BB.com
  8. A little late to the party but this seems to be the more appropriate place to post this Not to create pandemonium, however in the last 3 years: marcus easley unexplained walking around at training camp- heart condition-missed a whole year. The next year Donald jones unexplained walking around training camp- kidneys- missed the whole year. Last year chris harriston with a mystery injury from the spring walking around-believe it was his hip- out for the year. This year cordy glenn unexplained-?-? Judging from the past we should be hearing he is out for the season within a couple of days. The curse of flutie might be living on
  9. Not to create pandemonium, however in the last 3 years: marcus easley unexplained walking around at training camp- heart condition-missed a whole year. The next year Donald jones unexplained walking around training camp- kidneys- missed the whole year. Last year chris harriston with a mystery injury from the spring walking around-believe it was his hip- out for the year. This year cordy glenn unexplained-?-?
  10. I thought i did
  11. ill take it. What time does it start?
  12. It was nice of ralph to leave his car to unga. Im not sure he would have liked the new tires though.
  13. I think that would be a pretty amazing four some. Thats alota man though. Not that there is anything wrong with that
  14. Fixxer go back to spitting out your zima over two and a half men. And no kirby i don't think cornerback is that big of a need.
  15. You have to give credit where it is due. The Bills stated they were going to be aggressive and they have stuck to their guns. Signings: Resigned: Mike Caussin. Dan Carpenter Rumors that they are working on a long term deal with Jeff Tuel. Check back for updates. They also didn't fall for the trap of giving a top 3 safety (only top 3) the franchise tag. They saved that money to give to Caussin and Carpenter.
  16. This is the FA aggression they were talking about and are known for. Makes sense to wait till 4pm Tuesday. They just made a huge statement to other teams that they are major players.
  17. How much mrags? He wont sniff 5 million. But my argument was hes deff not getting a couple million more per year as the op said. But if he gets 5 million or over you can slap me silly and call me suzy and vice versa.
  18. Are you Alex Carringtons baby mama? Ain't nobody payin him 4 to 5 million a year, much less more. Your gonna have to go get a job.
  19. Why would he sign here when he can play in a place like cleveland. Its probly because the public bus system there runs an hour later than buffalo. I mean can u blame the guy? He might even get to comb kevin costners hair plugs at that awesome movie premier. That Kevin costner is just the best actor. We got screwed by cleveland yet again. What's next they're gonna get mel gibson to play brandon weeden in the movie about the browns beating us in week 6. But seriously. There is no chance he resigns here.
  20. And Yet this seems to work for him. I would love to get my hands on lil Donte getting layed out by 33 year old finesse runner Sammy Morris like the sorry sack of **** that he is. Having to get carried off haha. He is exactly what's wrong with the NFL. I ask and you shall receive. This is the best Bills highlight of the decade in my opinion. It also sums up lil Dontes career.
  21. Yeh that's the game I watched. But in general I was talking about how everygame I watch with him he is a HUGE liability in coverage and not great against he run. Always taking bad angles.
  22. Every Big game he gets exposed for his horrible coverage skills. He is always a half of step behind. He nearly single handily cost them the conference championship against the Falcons last year and in my estimation was one of the big reasons they lost the Super Bowl. Teams seem to know to go after him in the playoffs. The only thing that gets him to the pro bowl is his big mouth. I'll never forget him getting absolutely truckd by Sammy Morris against New England. If anyone has a clip of that it would be great. So here's to you Lil Donte for being a failure at the game of football and costing your team many more games!
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