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Estelle Getty

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Everything posted by Estelle Getty

  1. Trade him for a real offensive coordinator. Trade him for a real offensive coordinator. Trade him for a real offensive coordinator. Trade him for a real offensive coordinator.
  2. If we couldnt beat the Patriots today we will never be able to. The refs dont help. And how the f#%k did we let them pull our fire alarms and didnt pull theirs? Trust me that didnt help.
  3. Hackett for MVP! Of the patriots
  4. Hackett for MVP! Of the patriots
  5. No. They shouldnt waste all of the $ they just put into the ralph
  6. How many "there is no foul on the play" "Penalties" against new england? Im going to go with just 1 so they don't make it too obvious. But they will wait until a crucial time in the fourth quarter.
  7. If you type in Kyle Orton partying on google one might be inclined to think we have a out of shape, drunk starting QB who quit the Cowboys only to sign with Buffalo strictly for the $. But hey he is still a better option than EJ right now.
  8. This is what i was alluding to the fact that the general public has their $ on san diego and the line is moving the "wrong way". All i am saying is in my experience the team that the public is betting against in this exact situation covers 70-80 % of the time. Take it for what it's worth. Not guaranteeing a Bills victory.
  9. So honest ? As i was a History major not a #s guy. You do realize that the line is made from running #s through a computer of the last 50 years of games with teams in these exact situations right? So your saying that the line is not an accurate measure of a possible outcome? If that is the case then i would have to venture to guess you never bet on sports.
  10. As a former sports bettor this is actually a very good sign for us. When this happens as long as the betting public % stay the same and a line moves there is about an 70-80% chance we will cover the -2.5 spread.
  11. I would much rather play them coming off of a big win than a loss. They had to give it everything they had mentally and physically to beat Seattle. Plus now we get to see what they relied on to win a game. My concern is they seem to match up well against us with quick throws and a good TE. But if we take away a depleted run game that will only take them so far.
  12. Estelle Getty and the rest of the girls will be there
  13. Agree with the spikes hit in the first quarter. Put a little mustard on tannys hot dog.
  14. Hackett is doing better. Still needs to stop running spiller up the middle all of the time. Could take a page outa gaileys playbook on how to use him. More screens. Send him deep sometimes.
  15. Stop asking these stupid ?s Figure it out yourself
  16. As much as we might hate it the experts will continue to pick against us until we give them a real reason not to. Let's face it judging from the past they are usually right. But it is a new year and we proved everyone wrong last week. Let us hope we can continue to prove everyone wrong once and for all GO BILLS!!!!!
  17. Seen this movie before. Im gonna shut it off now n go outside. I suggests you all do the same. I promise. You will thank me later
  18. I agree. I think if it happens it will be a late game not so serious injury when the game has already been decided and not in our favor. I agree. I think if it happens it will be a late game not so serious injury when the game has already been decided and not in our favor.
  19. 461. Bills 188. Chicago 273. Tie braker chicago 38. Buffalo 10
  20. 38-10 not us. It's gonna b a long day. When we are expected to get pressure on the QB we never do.
  21. No matter how bad Manuel has looked there is no controversy. Orton is old and not very good. Manuel is young and not that bad.
  22. The coaches and front office sure do have a way with timing. Always good to implode less than two weeks before regular season. Who woulda guessed that EJ was gonna be a ? At QB. That Tuel wasn't an adequate backup. That Hackett's play calling abilities weren't up to snuff. I would say anyone who watched more than 1 game last year. Also it is a little scary that our GM makes it seems like every sentence he puts together is a struggle. For what it is worth
  23. This is all starting to sound a little to similar to the year Jauron got fired midway through.
  24. Hmmm what happened to all of the people on here who straight up said it is ok we don't practice the deep ball in game settings. Not like timing matters right? Or is it still a good idea to run out of the shotgun on fourth and short all of the time?
  25. Throwing a deep ball you are more likely to get hurt than throwing a 15 yard out or a slant? Not sure I follow the logic of not practicing a deep ball because the line is not exactly where you want it. So your saying assuming EJ stays healthy and the line is just so we can start throwing deep balls by when? Week 12?
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