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Estelle Getty

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Everything posted by Estelle Getty

  1. In the summer i think most of us were sure we had the pieces on D to be in the top 5 minimum this year. In my eternal Bills fan delusional state I even thought possibly one of the greats of all times with Rex at the helm. However somehow we faded to mediocrity on that side of the ball. And now with the near diabetic, fast food eating, southern hillbilly brother waddling into town there is very little reason to believe things will soon get better. It is just another in the long lines of recent what ifs for us Bills fans. What if Cam or Von could have dropped to us at #3 in 2011? What if Kuechly dropped one more spot to us in 2012? Yeh the two players we ended up with are nice but the former are all on a Hall of Fame trajectory. My hats off to the Denver D for one of the most memorable an dominant defensive performances of all time in the big game. Thank you for showing us what can be accomplished when your defense buys into a system and plays with a sense of urgency and pride we as fans were robbed of this year.
  2. Rob Johnson. Hands down.
  3. Mojo 44 You "let go of Marrone a long time ago" And you only post in Marrone threads after he got fired with a great passion. Add in the number 44 as an tribute to Syracuse. And you say "lol". All signs point to a Marrone descendent on our board. The public schools in Jacksonville have failed you. Your father is a twit. Im sorry you had to hear it from me kid.
  4. Yeh i was thinking he was drunk. Hope he is alright. One thing is for sure, he never liked Ralph. I think he knew that Ralph became a meddling owner who was not capable of making the right decisions for his team a la Al Davis and present day Jerry Jones. I give him kudos for not hiding his feelings in hindsight. He always acted as though Buffalo wasnt a desirable job for the last 15 years and clearly it wasnt hence jauron, gailey, murlarkey, marrone. And yeh yeh i know he was supposedly tight with donahoe but he spoke the truth regardless.
  5. Hmmm not sure gow much of that i agree with other than your Cordy Glenn and Incognito assesments.
  6. The refs handing the pats yet another game against us in week 2. And then again whatever week we played them the second time. People are so quick to forget its scary. I can hear it next year already "there is no reason we can 't beat the pats. Just gota get pressure up the middle". Haha
  7. This is a comedy show. Take it as such
  8. In preston browns defense we dont know if he was suppose to let the rb go right by him on that play
  9. But Rex said they weren't gonna quit. He must have met they weren't gonna quit sucking.
  10. Pretty funny ej had a clear path to te end zone and was tackled by the defenders hand. And then kicked in the head for good measure.
  11. Matty is cheap! Is that the dog?
  12. You my friend are a retard.
  13. How much for Rex to paint his truck black and drive it outa town? Thurman can sit in the back. Whaley is a bit of a stamering fool and every word seems like a struggle for him. When has signing a bunch of high priced free agents ever worked in the NFL. 0 chemistry. Tom Donahoe school of GM. And although the man is a billionaire he seems a bit low functioning in any video clip ive seen him in. (Can we be honest). Tpegs that is. And Ole Russ would push for isis to sing at halftime if he thought they would sell tickets.
  14. I will say this. In reality the loss to Philly didn't hurt our chances. The Jets are certainly going to lose a game before they play us. And if the Steelers beat the Bunguls they had to lose 2 games anyway for us to get in because of tie breakers. Boom!!! just hit you with some facts jack!
  15. Let's address the fact that we line up with 25 seconds on the play clock on the road and snap it with 2 seconds nearly every play. Just begging for a false start. Simply bad coaching.
  16. Answer: Not many. This would help explain our playoff drought. 15.70 years and counting.
  17. I must say i am suprised only about 25% of the replies seem to agree with my op. The biggest argument i see is that Marrone had a better staff around him. I guess if you don't take into account OC or Special Teams coach. But isn't part of the head coaches job to find assiastants worth a damn?
  18. See the first paragraph
  19. I never thiught I would say this but the Bills are almost certainly a playoff team in a weak AFC if the Bills stayed the course with Marrone (or he wanted to stay, or we gave him the contract extension, or he didn't dislike whaley, or whatever the case). There is one word to describe Ryan and his whole staff: SLOPPY. From play calling on offense, to not knowing when to challenge and when not to, to untimely rotation of players, to personal fouls, to bad penalties, to...... We bought into his circus and now one of the clowns stray juggling balls spilled our soda on our lap. But we can't change, we are forced to sit and watch the rest of this show that we know is gonna continue to get worst. Even with two pivotal people in this organization last year who have no business being on an NFL sideline (Hackett and Orton) we were still head and shoulders above this team. That is all you need to know. And all the Bills players who bad mouthed Marrone, I get it. In school would you rather have a strict teacher who made you read and write all day or one who let you play Nintendo? I mean especially if your getting paid millions either way. It is sad when I can literally predict nearly ever Bills second half possesion on offense and defense. I told my buddy Watkins would be shut out the second half (see lee evans a few years back against the Dolphins). I knew the Cheifs would only get ahead by 8 (sub par teams rarely put other sub par teams away). And lastly i knew the Bills would get one more improbable drive at the end for Tyrod to run around with bad play calling and look foolish. This is because it is the Bills where only the faces change, not the outcome and the NFL is not totally on the up and up like alot of you still refuse to believe. Come back Doug!!! We know you regret it too! *on a side note im glad the NFL felt the Broncos were worthy enough to beat the *pats. You know being on prime time with the changing of the gaurd at QB and the snow falling in Denver against a bitter rival. Oh it was just magical!!!
  20. No no...tell them it was the actress and they might listen to you...since ya know shes dead and all.
  21. He is gonna be sore today boy. And kudos to Graham for going after that cheaters knee. He was closer to ending his career than most people realize.
  22. Ok we will go with that. Dont worry about a phantom holding call that changed the whole game on the interception in the first quarter. Interference on Rex and a player rolling out of bounds untouched w out the clock stopping. I was even right about that. 2 things I have never seen before. but let's blame leodis. It's easier that way.
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