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Estelle Getty

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Everything posted by Estelle Getty

  1. Who is jack's grandson? This is new to me!
  2. Im no dline expert. But to me he looked much better in the preseason than he has in the regular season.
  3. I could watch that all day if it didn't mean having to look at a fat, cheating, dbag about to cry.
  4. You can't say we should fire the medical staff on a fan forum. That's just wrong. But im sure everyone else will tell you that.
  5. Here is a difficult concept for the Bills to grasp. No Salas or Watkins sooo...put watkins on one of the IR where he can come back late in the season, hopefully fully healed. Then sign Boykin or Little, two guys who know the offense and easily coulda made the team to fill in. Or wait for Goodwin to get hurt and be down to woods, tate, and powell.
  6. Should the Bills beat them, probaby. Will the refs let them, no. After a couple of crucial early, but less obvious penalties the pats will pull away early as history will repeat itself. Ne-27 Buff-10
  7. But what to do about those refs? That is really what it always boils down to.
  8. Yup, pretty sure they fd us last year vs the pats.
  9. Pretty sure they will stick us with Hochuli or the chubby black guy who looks like a confused Todd Bridges. That guy huddles for 30 minutes to figure out every penalty. Hes as competant as Todd Bridges after a 7 day crystal meth binge.
  10. Collins is the exact type of patsies player that kills us every year. Account for him at all times and stay away from him at all cost.
  11. If we kill the boston mobsters who pay off the refs.
  12. No. Goodell said they won't change it in season.
  13. It was a bad call. His momentum took him into the endzone. Even if we was touched in the air, that was before he had possession of the ball as you need to maintain control of the ball when you hit the ground for it to be ruled a catch. Bad call.
  14. Yehhhhhh. I'm pretty sure an 8 million a year TE is suppose to show up on the stat sheet. Nice rationale though
  15. You might be right. I thought i heard a broadcaster say that once before. But I'm probably just confused.
  16. Sunburn and no
  17. Did you know he is Jack Nicklaus grandson?
  18. Didn't we tell you to get lost dumbasssss. Being a patsies fan says so much about what a dbag you are as a person in general. You probably watch videos of puppys getting tortured all day. Ya freak biiitch!!!
  19. The criticism is fair. You don't give a guy 8 mill year to be a blocking tight end and be a team player. That is what bums like Dray are for @ 2 mill a year
  20. Haha, silly man. You think the refs would ever allow this?
  21. F him. The only player i will actively root for to get hurt is Brady. Cheating scumbag of a person.
  22. Gota do it. The REFS will more than likely determine this game and if history indication....
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