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Everything posted by balln

  1. raiders eliminated if they lose?
  2. more to it than that. herbert is having the BEST rookie season the nfl has seen at QB
  3. more to it than that. wilson ripped that same D up
  4. talk about the hype of qb classes goff wentz and then winston mariota yikes totally lucky / random year to year draft pool
  5. love herberts game - shocked hes this good this fast. but wonder what happend against NE
  6. find it interesting that aikman feels the need to explain that "gruden IS putting in the effort and time" and "carr is giving it his all , and LOVES playing for gruden" just weird comments like there is some narrative that troy feels he needs to debunk
  7. why does it take the NFL that long to review that?
  8. 1) oh my god what a play by jackson 2) that towel in the midline of his back is def to cover something up
  9. this has been the most epic game
  10. do you really think that a professional athlete's drinking or not drinking water is the reason they cramp during competition? like its an "effort" or discipline thing?
  11. offensive line holidng on browns
  12. woah woah so browns WR spins the ball in ravens sideline at coaches and doesnt get a penalty!!!!!???
  13. yup. bills cant handle running QBs. kyler ate them alive w feet, tannehill on bootlegs, mahommes scrambles well too
  14. baker w the nice scramble and TD pass
  15. bad challenge. for 5 yards? risk reward not there nfl coaches so dumb
  16. what a pic. waiting for edmunds to make one
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