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Everything posted by Hire-A-Real-GM/Coach

  1. How many of you fans on TSW no longer live in the Buffalo??? About 80% or more? Forget about TSW how many people actually are "FROM" Buffalo? Answer: 10X more than live there now. I still think the Bills might be safe, but if its a pure economics play Buffalo is the least appealing by a landslide (as an NFL team).
  2. That's an interesting point --I think SD can support a team it's just the Spanos clan are such a bunch of pricks to the city the people here have had enough. To the point of flying to see a bad team vs. any team, man I'm not sure that logic holds up anymore after so many years of garbage. Having grown up in WNY, I truly wonder if people would be better off w/o the Bills. I don't think it's a huge economic impact to the region as much as people would think. Frankly, life would go on, and all of us would eventually succumb and enjoy a team who actually re-signs GOOD players and DRAFTS well or heck, gets a first round pick at a 1 for 3 clip vs. 0 for what....6? I That's an interesting point --I think SD can support a team it's just the Spanos clan are such a bunch of pricks to the city the people here have had enough. To the point of flying to see a bad team vs. any team, man I'm not sure that logic holds up anymore after so many years of garbage. Having grown up in WNY, I truly wonder if people would be better off w/o the Bills. I don't think it's a huge economic impact to the region as much as people would think. Frankly, life would go on, and all of us would eventually succumb and enjoy a team who actually re-signs GOOD players and DRAFTS well or heck, gets a first round pick at a 1 for 3 clip vs. 0 for what....6? I
  3. I'd gladly fly to the Ralph to enjoy a game or two a year. I used to a few years ago but dropping thousands of bucks for a team who's owner is happy being bad doesn't do it for me. When the front office actually decides to put a competitive product on the field that may happen. Edit: Meant to says tries to put a competitive product on field. Right now, Ralph is laughing at the lemmings who still watch this filth.
  4. Pretty sad, totally agree with the guy yelling about that. We all know it's not just unique to the idiots at the ralph. Having been a Bolts fan (2nd to the Bills of course) the SD-Raiders game are very testy w/ plenty of fights. Raider fans come down in droves looking to start sh_t.
  5. If anything, here's to the Bills getting a new scoring song. The Shout song is pretty cheesy if you ask me.
  6. We all knew this was just a money grab and now it's apparent. Toronto isn't a football town but its a football "market". Cash is king my friends. From a business standpoint, it's been a huge success. Also, to your point about the Ralph not being for kids? It SHOULD BE. But the Ralph has become a cesspool of idiots looking to get wasted in the parking lot before a game and start fights with opposing team fans inside. Yes, I know this likely isn't any of us, but your kids should feel safe at a freaking football game. The Bills need as many fans (esp young ones) they can get as 30 somethings like me get more apathetic every year with this joke of an owner and front office. Have fun at the detroit game, I'm not sure the Ralph would ever be confused for "rowdy" in this battle of goliaths. You're looking at 45,000 people or so max and a whole lot of brown bags. BUT you might get some decent weather.
  7. yeah because we have so many home wins the last few years.....lol
  8. Grew up in WNY and have lived in San Diego for 5 years. It's apples to oranges and why compare the two cities, they're known for totally different things, it's people are vastly different. My take is the food is a push, sure I miss Wegman's but also feel that people here are more pleasant, happier in their life and have more opportunity here. If I had 3 kids maybe Id feel differently but most people I went to school with don't live in WNY due to lack of jobs and taxes, etc. aint much better out here too. anyway, WNY-ers and Bills fan get so bent out of shape about this. Green Bay doesnt get any sheet about this because they have a GOOD football team lol. And it was more meant to be a weather low blow. Let's face is, the weather in Buffalo is absolutely depressing...many embrace it and make the most of it. You know damn well that video was filmed on the 1 sunny day a week . I'd have preferred the late November shot of grey skies and a nice gust off the Lake with sideways snow difts .....in October...and then again in April. The best part of Merriman is a DC/Maryland guy...he'll love the canadian ballet
  9. 710 shore club is the official Bills bar. It's sad in that they used to draw 100+ easy, now its 20-30 max. Its at the end of Garnet Ave. past Mission Blvd in Pacific Beach. Literally 10-15 bars that block showing NFL each bar has it's own NFL loyalty.
  10. I was roommates with Schein's buddy when i lived in NYC about 6 years ago. Good guy. He's a Syracuse grad, lives in NYC and likely went to college with a ton of Bills fans and lived in the region where he could see how big the Bills are locally. He is likely one of the better voices when it comes to giving Bills fans props, but not sugar coating the sad truth : that the Bills are a laughingstock and the owner has mismanaged the team for over a decade. Hard to find any fault with anything he says. All we can hope for is a stud QB to build around. At this stage, I'm fine with 1-15, 0-16 whatever, just draft a QB to build around.
  11. John-- As a PR guy myself, I admire your career path and enjoy your writing. One simple question would be to ask if he's happy with his key FO people (modrak, littman, etc) and what grade he would give them. As a rebuttal to his 3 year argument (I take as a huge insult given 11 years of futility), I'd love to know how his division rival the dolphins can go 1-15 and make the playoffs the next year. Or look at Washington, was worse than Bills last year yet made a key FA signing at QB, a few trades and drafted a stud LT. Now they're competing for the playoffs the next year. coincidence they also signed a huge coach. Any owner saying a 3 year plan after 10 years of no playoffs deserves a big F-U from the fans as far as I'm concerned. what incentive now do fans have to hope for the next 2.5 years? why in the heck would i buy season tickets? to watch my fantasy players torch our defense?
  12. does anyone ever download the player or does the game pop up at 10 am when it starts?
  13. I truly feel sorry for the 50,000 people that might actually attend a home game from here on out -- it's painfully obvious after the kelsay re-signing that all logic is gone.
  14. I truly started to feel this way late last year -- their was a general feeling that the team had no direction at the top and/or just simply didn'r care. I haven't lived in WNY for 12 years but have made my way back for games once a year and have wasted thousands of dollars and hours watching these jokers/buying their crap-- sure the tailgating is fun and likely some of the best in the NFL...but what are we tailgating for? usually it's to watch a pro football game...not here. While I'd love to say move to LA (i live in san Diego), I'd feel dirty supporting the LA (whomever). Buffalo deserves better and we as fans deserve better as well. It's pains me to say it but sell the freaking team ralph--I can handle rolling the dice and i think most of Buffalo could too at this stage (regarding keeping the team in Buffalo to a local group). These personnel moves are beyond hilarious, we're re-signing scrubs for $6M a year yet not signing free agents who are MASSIVELY better than guys we're resigning. We dont draft positions of need. It's a joke and I'm glad the national media has been taking a big huge sheet on us...we deserve it (well the FO does). To those who say they can't watch anything else but the Bills , I feel bad for you, seriously. These Monday night games and other teams feature exciting, dynamic players on teams that can score or rush the passer with abandon. I at least got to see the glory years live but the kids who have been subjected to DECADES OF FAIL ...wow, I'm sorry. Ok rant over, but to the OP, I'm on board.
  15. It is moves like these that will continue to make this team an absolute JOKE up and down. There is no rational decision why a) he should even be on their team as an OLB after he tenure as a below average DE and b) is massively overpaid vs. what a good DE/OLB free agent went for this offseason. Seriously, he has to be in the bottom handful of OLB's in the NFL that start. It's frustrating as a fan to see these boneheaded decisions --it basically means the team has no commitment to winning from the front office. This is a guy who should be waived, yet we overpay and EXTEND HIS CONTRACT. Seriously, just move the team to end my misery. I just don't get it.
  16. Ugh a story I fear will happen a lot. Spiller big run followed by a Trent Pick 6...and like that this becomes close to a 14-3 game....I'll reserve judgement until the real games but same guys making same mistakes and lacking talent.
  17. This is about as close to seeing how good our defense is against their starters. Maybin takes a lame-brained penalty. This pick is teetering of being disastrous, the kid HAS to have some talent. If he doesnt, then cut him loose in camp. I know that's crazy but why carry dead weight and a big contract. cart before horse I know, but I sense this coming (maybin's continual sucking)
  18. Man, what does it say of the state of our team when we are discussing players from 15 years ago....sad that a whole generation of Bills fans literally have seen absolute dog sh_t for 10+ years... Sure Flutie was great for us, emphasizing WAS, lol....It's a new freakin millenium!
  19. The official I don't care thread because it's TEAM CANADA. lol
  20. OK, yeah that one in the AFC Championship game seems to doing just fine leading his team.....can we all get past this "soft CA' thing and focus more on the Bills massively reaching for guys like Losman and Edwards? lol, aaron rodgers plays in the coldest climate of the 32 teams and he sure looks like a stud.....not sure where this comemnt cropped up (jim kelly?) but it holds no water....the guys just suck, regardless of where they were from
  21. lol re the point he is the 2nd best lb on team...SAD but true...wow, we need 4 LBs bad
  22. they will eventually move, and Id love to say that this is a conspiracy...but sadly its business as usual for the Bills...this is truly how poorly they operate and buy the lowest common denominator out there. Ive lived in san diego 3-4 years and nyc about 8 yrs after 20+ years in western ny....met a dude at the bar last weekedn who moved to san diego from buffalo.....he smiled and said "theres a reason everyone is FROM buffalo...i nodded and smiled...so dang true. the bills will always be in my heart but sometimes i think the people would be better off without the Bills. hoping the team gets sold to a group that wants to keep them in buffalo but doesnt seem to be much local money left there to pick up the slack
  23. Horrible, OFFENSIVE.....DECADE
  24. lol kelsay holds himself he's so bad
  25. Simmer down...lol, Im on board with the as a missed call. Not saying it would effect the course of this game though...every other call has been legit....that was total BS
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