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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. I’m guilty of almost voting for Kiko Alonso for the Pro Bowl more than once. On mobile, when you sort the players by team, the ILB section has Alonso just below Edmunds. It is alphabetical after your selected team order, so no conspiracy. Just annoying for meatheads like me who are trying to breeze through and engage as few brain cells as possible. Just wondering if I’m on an island on this.
  2. Congratulations to Dion. He is a good dude. He did a Cameo video for me earlier in the season and seemed like he genuinely cares about the fans. Couldn’t be happier for him.
  3. Too early? Have you seen the schedule and the honey nut cluster of teams competing for a wild card? Maybe a week early at the most and that’s only if you’re an optimist. But considering that the only 2 games we’re expected to win are the Broncos next week and the Jets in week 17, we’re going to be talking tie breakers for the rest of the season.
  4. I have it on good authority that Lee’s favorite movie is Braveheart
  5. I sincerely hope our FO has more self awareness than that. I want him to love Buffalo and I hope he does. But we live in the age of super agents, free agency, and Not to mention the weather and NY taxes. We can’t expect a hometown discount.
  6. When will everyone learn that modern viral marketing isn’t simply trying to appeal to people but rather trying to invoke a response. I.e. how attack ads have replaced pro politician ads. We’ve discovered that you're more likely to spend time taking a survey if you were pissed off than you would if you were satisfied.
  7. You didn’t miss out on anything by bailing. Don’t hit subscribe just yet. I’ve only listened to this episode but it wasn’t very deep diving or really discussing X’s and O’s. More like they asked general football questions to 3 players and edited the most interesting responses. But I have to say, the sound quality is very good as podcasts go. They must use the best equipment.
  8. I imagine he’d stop halfway through the answer, excuse himself, go to the bathroom and climb out the window. Or did you mean Vontaze?
  9. That, plus they’ve learned about modern viral marketing from Nike. What you do is take an unpopular stance, create a tenuous at best correlation to any issue (i.e. I’m not obeying red stop signs because Himalayan farmers are ridiculed for their funny hats), hype it to death, then wait for the clicks to come rolling in. While the majority reaction may be unfavorable, any news is good news and Nike’s stock proved that merely getting mentions outweighs any blowback.
  10. The small silver lining is that at least we can do a ritual reset. I came up for the Redskins game and wore 2 layers plus jacket hat and gloves. Back in VA, it was a little warm for all that.
  11. *puts on my depression cap* Since a loss to the Steelers is a given, there goes our WC spot
  12. Has CBS done a good job hiding the Bills fans? Or did the Bills faithful just support the local economy better last night?
  13. Don’t worry. There will be Fitz threads far after he retires. The flame will be eternal for some on this site. To them he was the ex you can’t get over because he was “the one.” The world just kept you apart. Never mind that he left with your cd collection, favorite hoodie, and won’t stop dating people you know. To others he was the frat brother who set the delta phi record for keg stands, took Deadman’s curve too fast, and after a few beers you “can’t believe he was gone because he was the best.”
  14. Another lose-lose scenario this Sunday. If we win, it’s because the Browns are a train wreck and we’re still garbage. If they win, it’s the pretenders strike again. It’s irritating how sports media in general just assumes the Dolphins or Redskins simply aren’t trying or are filled with players that aren’t filled with the best players in their home towns. I get it: the Browns are a better story win or lose. Rubbernecking is a great American pastime. I hope for a strong Bills performance, and not another locker room rebuilding win for an opponent. If only so it makes the power rankings more annoying for the talking heads.
  15. That’s so awesome. Glad you got to try the local delicacies and the home crowd experience I had Duffs last time I was in town and tried Anchor Bar this time. Their wings were fried to absolute perfection. I’d still go with Duffs for sauce. I was also introduced to Chef’s spaghetti parm. So good. Probably gained 10 lbs this weekend alone.
  16. Or if we’re going to be happy with that kind of production, at least cheaper.
  17. That’s worth 50 mil. ? What about all the other Sundays?
  18. Why weren’t we shopping Star to anyone and everyone?
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