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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Asking how much the guilty party benefited is tantamount to asking a cheating spouse if they climaxed. Sure, you can wonder. But it’s really beside the point and definitely won’t make it hurt any less.
  2. That was exactly my train of thought. The last thing they need is more help
  3. Love his gamesmanship. He is underrated to our great advantage. But I do hope he recovers from those busted ankles.
  4. I’d like to call him Because sometimes you say it in a “I can’t believe he did that” incredulous kind of way. And the other times you say it in an exasperated way.
  5. Can we start a throat lozenge donation program or gofundme account dedicated to the support of home fans crowd noise? In games like today we need the 12th man.
  6. Virginia Beach held the title of southernmost Wegmans location until the Raleigh NC store opened this September. Having grown up in Rochester, was nice to see quite a few Bills logos in the crowd when it opened. It’s a little too far from me to shop at regularly, but their prices weren’t outrageous as I keep hearing. This from someone who refuses to pay $8 for a small jar of peanut butter at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. Maybe It’s just the differences in taxes or interstate whatnot.
  7. The most annoying thing about that draft was hearing so many different sites mention Josh Allen as the presumptive number 1 quarterback to be taken. Then a few days out, it leaked that someone was taking Baker Mayfield first and suddenly Allen was universally panned as a good selection. Seemingly overnight our pick went from brilliant to meh. I did see many sites predicting we take Jackson based mostly on our Tyrod history.
  8. Made two long shot bets with the only winnings I had in Vegas this summer. Buffalo to win the Super Bowl at +1000 and Redskins to make the playoffs at +850.
  9. I often lay awake at night and wonder what Peterman did to convince coach after coach that he’s worth investing in. And why he isn’t a trillionare with those negotiating skills. Or at least dating supermodels with that kind of silver tongue
  10. I won’t forget the Bronco game in 2017 when he nailed 2 XPs and 4 FGs. And two FGs were over 50 yards. I was surrounded by Broncos fans chanting for him to miss each time. And he nailed every one.
  11. My current favorite is Ed Oliver. I was sure that this was Ed Oliver. I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong about a high draft pick.
  12. The Peloton commercial was annoying before any new articles. And it’s been replayed so many times I can’t help but discover new problems with each replay. So many issues: 1) Where did the daughter go? Who is watching her while she CrossFit trains constantly? Does anyone even care? The worst part is that there’s already a kids version. 2) How narcissistic is this character to constantly film herself? Is she supposed to be a YouTuber or a Kardashian? The kicker is that she doesn’t even thank her guy until supposedly weeks later, and she only does it by a video retrospective. 3) Peloton has no awareness when it comes to the cost of housing. Even in their other commercials, every one is apparently aimed at affluent childless females who either married architects, or are one themselves. 4) 6 am? That’s insanely early? Her makeup is flawless anyway. Good for her. Must be nice. My hair is thinning and I’d like to not care but I still style my Homer Simpson-like 2 hairs so others think I care. 5) I love how the some of the criticism is that she thanks the person who dropped at least 2k on a gift. That is 2019 in a gender fluid sexually non-specific nutshell.
  13. It must be a really tough time for you and yours. God bless.
  14. The better question would be wouldn’t Daboll leave? He’s been absolutely everywhere. His area connections didn’t stop him from taking any other opening.
  15. I wouldn’t necessarily label the Ravens game a “revenge game” for John Brown. He was with the Cardinals longer and was on a prove it one year contract in Baltimore. But if it helps motivate the team like it did in Dallas, I’m all for it. I’m really hoping for the chance crowd surfing to become a tradition as John Brown lights up his former team.
  16. The D needs to forget that Lamar is a QB once he starts an option play. When it’s an option, he’s a runner, so blast him.
  17. If Jones had fires Garrett after the Patriots game, the blowback and criticism would have been massive. The Patriots have a good record, it might have been seen as an overreaction. But a loss to the Bills at home is completely different scenario and it seems by his subtle hints and not so subtle hints that this loss would be the back breaker. Would the Cowboys break tradition and fire Garrett in season after a prime time home field loss when being favored by almost a touchdown? Does he survive a close loss?
  18. As long as Dallas and LeBron are trending on Twitter, they will be talked about. This is what passes for show prep now. But man would I love for the Bills to be the reason for non-stop Cowboys disaster coverage this weekend. A win would be great, but if we got a Dallas coach fired mid-season in the process, it would be the most satisfying Thanksgiving since the Butterball truck overturned on the highway.
  19. Not a conspiracy theorist but it definitely seemed like the fix was in. The ref closest to the play was a little too sure Watson was down and refused to even check to see who had the ball. Yet another headscratcher about what is replay for? We have modern technology, multiple cameras, and no reasonable explanation as to why it isn’t utilized. People have no other alternative than to make up their own reasons why.
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