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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Norwood shanking kicks like he was foreshadowing
  2. Why would any Bills fan root for Gase or BountyGregg to be fired? Extend both!
  3. I am still a fan of the show. It’s been a struggle. Pre-pandemic, it was a relatively fresh format that’s basically Dan Patrick talking to the Danettes for the whole show getting side tracked within a pop culture theme more than sports per se. LeBatard got notoriety being a controversial snarky sports journalist specializing in race. So at any time when the race topic can be sniffed out of any situation and especially when the pandemic took away sports, his natural default is to go slide back into that role. It can be suffered through but the payoff isn’t always worth it. I only listen on podcast so i can fwd past his flashbacks. Not even because i disagree but because he’s not adding anything unique but almost virtue signaling/shaming. Still the format works and is usually funny.
  4. Yet another year with another 15 Fitz threads? Can we please merge and pin? It’s the same relative topic for years: “Wow, he’s still not our QB by his own choosing, isn’t it grand that he’s still taking developmental snaps from possible future QBs? Let’s keep discussing how not our QB he is and how the Lombardi trophy doesn’t want to have a beer with him. Also he has facial hair, who knew? Let’s take a poll on your favorite follicle and where.”
  5. Think i got the same guy. He was better than the disinterested lady who kept putting me on mute/hold without asking me. I did tech support for Alltel/Verizon so its incredibly irritating. The guy was decent enough but all he wanted to do was take channels off the account and said there was no promos. About to call now. I’m expecting to get a return box.
  6. Bill Brasky once got his wife pregnant and gave birth to a delicious 16 ounce steak. The after birth was sauteed mushrooms. He once punched a hole in a cow just to see who was coming up the road. I once saw him scissor kick Angela Lansbury.
  7. this x1000 Contact tracing was neutered when localities were asked/chose not to ask if patients attended protests. There’s such a gap in underreported numbers that there is actually news outlets saying gathering in large groups —specifically to protest— didn’t spread covid.
  8. The Buffalo Turf Company is selling used turf to fans.
  9. Unfortunately the only memories i’ll have of Gore is the Patriots game when he had one man to beat and ran out of gas, and the Redskins game. I’ve been to a handful of games and never heard the home crowd groan more than when he got the ball.
  10. Did someone already say “get er done, Beane?” or the equivalent? Too lazy to check.
  11. It makes you wonder what championships (albeit tainted) are ultimately worth. Is it worth the usual roster shakeup and staff departures? Sure. But what about long term upheaval of your franchise? Perhaps not. I understand that any working relationship can eventually strain and fray. But this seems to be the death knell of a franchise QB, long tenured coach, and owner at once. I’m fairly surprised that there isn’t a rush for the door by all 3 parties to be the first to leave. That way when the inevitable dip in performance comes, the first one out can say “Look what happened once I left. I was the key.”
  12. At the Broncos game in 2017 someone wore a Bills jersey with Darnold roughly customized on the back and I had to explain to my wife that is probably who we’ll be drafting at QB next year.
  13. Levi is no Tre. But he’s young, cheap, and more than likely will get better.
  14. That’s where you lost me. The whole reason there’s a market for anything football is that most people feel differently. I hope the XFL works out for many reasons. The very least of which is to kill time until the draft.
  15. Sadly I think he’ll mostly be remembered for his loyalty for a former team that released him and then getting blown out by them.
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