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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Not sure we’re anywhere near 100% Cam lewis still wearing a club on the wrist and Milano with a red shirt
  2. He’s lost a few steps but his speed wasn’t necessarily his strength. It was always his height and hands. Redzone threat at the very least.
  3. That’s the irony. He’s getting so much love by a fan base he flew from, for being a perceived mentor he that was not willing to be for us. Don’t get me wrong, our FO didn’t handle the situation well. They don’t get a pass. And we suffered for it. Fitz was under a contract that we didn’t want to pay for, given our return in investment. But if we take off the Fitz Fan Club wedding decoder ring, we can also admit that Fitz declined to restructure. Something inconceivable given his current reputation. And he ended up going to be the Titans backup instead of a mentor for a little less than he would have made anyway. I get it. He felt awkward sticking around after being seen as a wasted investment and didn’t want to train his replacement. All understandable for a normal person who hasn’t been canonized. It just goes against his legend so people leave that part out. You can love Fitz. There are 5 threads every game week about him. Just don’t let the legend get in the way of history.
  4. Like he was for us? Y’all have some short memories.
  5. I didn’t see a link for the hit or perhaps i scrolled past it. This is it for those who haven’t seen it.
  6. So he’d still be in tears but with a different uniform drenched in tears, got it.
  7. This is very out of character for a selfless, team first guy who handles things in-house. A strong role model who is eager to show younger guys the ropes. A savvy vet who knows that he’s just holding the reins for the young thoroughbred. Definitely not someone who wouldn’t renegotiate his contract and would rather take less money to be another team’s backup.
  8. I was under the impression from “top level meetings” (meaning unconfirmed conjecture) that we couldn’t get a trade partner for Spain and another team was sniffing around Zimmer so we cut bait to promote Zimmer to the 53
  9. “it is what it is” ranks up there with: let me be clear to be honest with you as a (fill in the blank) i’m just saying it goes without saying in the useless waste of words hall of fame
  10. What are the Dolphins thinking? I have a guess. And the Fitz fan section might want to take a seat for this, but for all of his beard hair, he’s got 0 playoff games under his belt. Perhaps the 15th time is the charm. There’s hope. I predict another Fitz thread with a variation of that title. But it appears Miami’s analytics department have done the math and feel that the value of developmental reps outweighs the ups and downs of a flighty vet who will leave town to either another payday, or a well deserved retirement. p.s. he wears his wedding ring p.p.s. he’s got a beard
  11. I’m just glad Singletary’s penchant for running into his own blockers hasn’t resulted in a Sanchez
  12. For all we credit McBeane for, LB depth and CB depth was a known issue. I’d be fine with an overreaction after that massacre. A defense who forces almost no punts and allows a high red zone TD percentage makes Homer something something
  13. Reminded me of the monday night massacre. It was like seeing a different team play.
  14. Is the long snapper responsible for Bojo’s lackluster punting as well? 😆 But seriously it’s the holder’s job to compensate for the snap. I do agree with the sentiment that if Bojo can’t punt well AND can’t get the laces out, it’s hard to see why we’re keeping him around. Perhaps we need Barkley to stop waiving the pom poms and start holding.
  15. It was described as a compound fracture so it broke the skin and makes it just as dangerous as Alex Smith’s.
  16. All Fitz threads. Pin it so we all don’t have to go far to scratch the pining for Fitz itch that’s apparently so pervasive.
  17. Madden lost me when decided to re-up with EA for another decade. They make enough money to where they’ve realized they don’t have to genuinely care about the product anymore. Good for them. And if you’re happy paying for a new juke move and roster update every year, good for you as well.
  18. one thing is for sure, New Jersey would be short one hell of a lego fireman.
  19. After so many years of wishing Fitz/Tyrod would progress and being deflated by the same old low ceiling, it’s such a new, unexpected feeling to see a Bills QB actually take a leap in growth and development.
  20. why wouldn’t you go for 2? they haven’t stopped you
  21. I still think of his incredulous reaction when he wasn’t gifted the Browns HC position and smile
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