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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. I dig it. And the old tv show format is at the same time funny and disturbing. Only 3 episodes out so far so nobody is too far behind.
  2. Totally watching WandaVision with the wife. Just have the laptop out to warm my lap. Not watching hype videos or anything.
  3. Apparently we had to slap Philly's hand away from our OC
  4. I'm certain that Bills Mafia of Kazakhstan will soon be posting: Джош Аллен әкесі пневмония нығыз болғандықтан, жанат жей береді. Ол өз күшін жинап, нығайтылады. Josh Allen's father will crush pneumonia as the wolf eat a rabbit. He will gain its strength and be fortified.
  5. I would love GB for a few reasons. They're defense is middle of the pack. They have good players but are exploitable. Rodgers/Adams are their primary offensive weapons, and if they aren't perfect, they lose. If we should happen to lose, I can live with losing to a hall of fame worthy non-cheater with a great sense of humor.
  6. The trend is toward player mobility and empowerment. The you only have to look at Le'Veon Bell and Antonio Brown to see that the bell has already been rung. Watson has a sterling reputation both as a player and in the community. The Texans incoming HC has Watson’s public unhappiness and a practically untradable contract in Watt to contend with. Watson may not have the contract leverage, but he’s got fan/public support.
  7. No one expected this team to go this far. All the pressure is on the reigning champs to defend their dirt. We’re playing with
  8. Would it help any to know that Marrone also wears his wedding band during football games?
  9. Is this a serious question? Yes. Exactly what has the NFL done to assure you that it has player safety paramount? The fact that there are games during a global pandemic slightly shades that. They actively fought to suppress concussion research studies. They played defense against paying for retired players healthcare. I could go on. I may be wrong, but I think you meant that the NFL wouldn’t overtly rubber stamp him to clear him to play. And I agree. They wouldn’t publicly do that. But if they really cared so much, they wouldn’t allow him, or any other concussed player to have to option to play. The concussion protocol is their legal protection and plausible deniability. “It’s not our fault he hurt himself. He completed the protocol, team doctors cleared him, and he WANTED to play.” Thoughts and prayers and no refunds.
  10. There is absolutely no way the NFL is going to let Mahomes miss this game. If for ratings alone, he will get rubber stamped.
  11. For those who haven't donated yet, scroll down to the bottom of the page and be sure to search for your employer to see if they'll match your donation. Mine would match for $100, but not the pittance they pay me to afford. Good to check just in case. Perhaps you can double it up.
  12. Cowherd in particular seems to parse his shows line up by at mathematic formula of most popular demographics + best selling jerseys divided by trending Twitter rankings. Stumbled upon the Twitter portion by accident when I was listening in my car on the way to work and just happened to hit the Trending tab. He didn't even mix up the subjects to make it seem less obvious. He hit them in order.
  13. With those long locks, he can transition... into any hairstyle.
  14. Murphy seemed to be immune to Lamar’s jukes. He’s the one member of the party who has that one unique skill. Like the hobbits in the Lord of the Rings that find every reason to fall backwards.
  15. I find it amazing to see so many positive reactions after the 2nd half game thread last night. I absolutely see Daboll going to Philly. They can’t just deal Wentz without finding an absolute sucker of a franchise (Bears?) to take on his horrendous contract. I think their plan B is to bring in a Reich-like offensive genius and noted QB whisperer to get him back on track. Daboll is the only one on the market fitting those exact requirements. Don’t celebrate too early. They will back up the brinks truck.
  16. For anyone who hasn’t donated yet, be sure to scroll down the page and put your employer into the “See if your employer will match your donation“ box. Ended up donating more than I expected to just to get my job to match it.
  17. But I heard nothing but MVP talk during the broadcast for 3 quarters. 🧐
  18. can we officially get a ruling on how to pronounce a Daboll? they keep alternating between Dab ull, da bull, and day ball
  19. I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that he’s saying that we’re playing with house money tonight. We’ve won the division, won a playoff game, and are building for the long haul. Go Bills!
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