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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Mayfield is Manzeil light, all the ego with half the career sabotage
  2. It’s our own fault. We let JJWatt drag us for 2 weeks on Twitter so why not have an insider let us down too?
  3. Starting to think that the Chiefs game had real consequences. Bojo’s shank gets him his walking papers, and perhaps that horrible drop gets Motor his spot on the reserves. I’d go for Lindsay unless he’s got some legal case pending.
  4. Inquiring minds want to know why Denver gave up on him.
  5. It is almost spring time. Best time to buy them
  6. I think they’re confusing him with Xavien Howard because they’ve heard his name more often.
  7. Is this the first time he’s flown in a while? I flew in March last year when the mask policy was in place. And what’s worse about throwing a fit about it is that you can take your mask off to eat and drink. A surprising number of people “forget” to put it back on and simply pull it back up when the flight attendant reminds you. Definitely a bad look.
  8. Stone Cold Steve Austin? Have you seen his elbow?
  9. I loved his enthusiasm and was a strong voice in all of the mic’d up videos. Just wish he would have chose deep playoff runs instead of a quick payday.
  10. This plus the jab about free agents who didn’t want to even pass through, was worth the money.
  11. Lebron James raised millions of dollars for the Boys and Girls Club and other charities while stringing along viewers for 75 minutes. He gets the Decision thrown back at him every legacy discussion. JJ Watt created fake peloton account and strung multiple teams and fan bases along on social media over several weeks. He will get the Youtube video of when he "married" a little girl played back to him just to see if he remembers how charming he was. This is indicative of the major problem in our society. An issue we are inherently blind to because we're too close to the problem. Its hairline discrimination and its wrong. Lebron can't help genetics. He gets his hairline fixed and somehow he gets even more criticism. Meanwhile JJ Watt has hairline privilege and enjoys all the benefits therein. You all need to educate yourselves.
  12. I call BS. If money wasn’t the main factor, then why was this so absurdly public? And the “leaked” salary requirements? What was the point of dragging multiple fanbases on social media? I can’t hate the man as a person given all of his charity work, but I have to say i’ve lost some respect for him as a player with all these histrionics. He didn’t even do anything particularly clever like ask the fanbases of said team to donate the most to charity to influence his decision. That would have been something.
  13. It hurt to see them extend. Almost as much as EA keeping the NFL simulation gaming rights. As if no one cares about the product or customers.
  14. Draft Milanos replacement and use the savings on a OL that can run block
  15. I didn’t even try ranch until I moved south. Now bleu cheese tastes like ranch with feta in it to me. But this is only an issue with mild or less spicy wings. Once the heat of the sauces goes past Tabasco levels, i’ll take either and be fine with it.
  16. This is so irritating to watch KC lay an egg knowing that all TB had to do was run the ball and get a pass rush. We didn’t have either but knowing we were so close is maddening
  17. Frazier deserves another shot at a HC job. We deserve compensation that will help us reload. He can talk Watson into staying and possibly restructure Watt's contract and squeeze the last bit of juice out of his career.
  18. Hate to be the wet blanket, but we have to decide on whether to resign or let multiple players walk. We have to extend Allen. Decide on Milano. And we draft 29th. This really was our shot to shoot. We don’t merely keep the same Madden roster. The front office has to reshuffle the deck and figure out what to do with the most overrated and highest paid Dline in the league. I’m hopeful they can pull it off and that we are a better FA destination than in years past, but let’s not paint too rosy a picture. We don’t have much cap money to spend after resigning. But here’s hoping McBeane and co are smarter than everyone else.
  19. What was our defensive identity this year? Waiting for the All-22, but if you could isolate one play on defense where we didn’t play scared aside from the one good hit Hyde put on a RB. Whether it was refusing to attempt to bump Kelce at the line, or letting all 5’ nothing 170lbs of Hill intimidate our entire staff, we clearly didn’t think our defense had a single strength to play to.
  20. That's what is really disheartening, we already got our lucky break. We need more. I was hoping T. Johnson would have took that Kelce batted pass 97 yards to the house.
  21. How can you call 99% of the game one way, and decide the entire game with a different way of refereeing? The NFL officiating team has brought this upon themselves.
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