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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. I suppose the same would go for the ungrateful Houston Astros fans after their hard working staff got them a World Series title. Ingrates! 😆
  2. The run blocking was not on display against the WFT. It seemed Sweat was making every tackle. Which meant our RBs weren’t clearing the first line of defense. The pass blocking was excellent. He didn’t have all day, but you knew Young was going to get his at some point and the best he got was after the ball was gone. I was sitting on the visitor’s side and you could see Young’s frustration on the sideline. It was satisfying to see.
  3. RIP the streak. I’d like to think my 6-0 plus my wife’s 2-0 helped, but I really think #55’s hair is what doomed the WFT. I had to take a picture of it. The pixelated iphone zoom does it no justice
  4. That last out pass for just a little more yardage was the icing on the cake. The wind was swirling, Bass looked like he appreciated it.
  5. It really seemed like the people who already had their IDs and vax cards out got the quickest look over. If they were actually matching names to IDs, our guy had eagle eyes.
  6. Read a few articles about over 700 season ticket holders requesting refund before the deadline. I’m wondering if there’s enough time for the jabbed to fill in the gaps. A quick look on Ticketmaster looks like the resale tickets in particular have come down in price from when I was looking for mine. The Steelers game according to ESPN had 97% attendance and didn’t have the requirement in place.
  7. I live in VA and came up for the last Redskins game in 2019. Went to the Anchor Bar and some nice locals asked us where we were from. Told them VA by reflex instead of Rochester where I was raised and they gave us a good natured ribbing about how they’re sorry we came all the way up for a loss. They were so good natured about it that it made me feel proud that our fanbase hasn’t turned into the football equivalent of Red Sox fans.
  8. It was destroyed just like Brady’s phone, the Deflator’s phone, the Super Bowl walkthrough tapes, the sideline originals, Edelman’s TB12 drug test, and your guess as to what else. The integrity of the game must not be questioned!
  9. It must be me. My first game in two years and its against Washington again, with a new starting QB again. Unfortunately this time it feels like it works out in their favor. Not having Fitz to play against means that the possibility of his rare 5 TD performance is eliminated, but it also means he wont have his usual poor decision in the 4th quarter to give the game away either. Hopefully, it will play out more like Haskins poor outing when we last played them in 2019. If Tyrod or his backup has the same "deft maneuverability" as Brissett, then Tre White is screwed. I've never seen a DB get juked out of his shoes so many times since they outlawed the DB juking machine in 1989.
  10. DB depth is something we lack. If we had some, we could give Levi a week off without worrying so much.
  11. I'm very encouraged by the defense. Not every team can give their QB time to find his range, come to grip with his newfound expectations, AND still manage to win. We drought survivors are so worried about the other shoe dropping that we can't wrap our minds around the possibility of JA coming around and becoming a more complimentary offense. It isn't crazy, just the trauma we lived through: 4-1 Trent Edwards getting his brain broken, the Fitzpatrick contract season that started 5-2. Allen doesn't even have to be the 2020 version for this team to make a deep run. But we'll need at least the 2019 version.
  12. why did the personal foul not count? why were we at midfield? am I having stroke?
  13. After videotaping practices, stealing playbooks, videotaping super bowl walkthroughs, using late substitutions/formations that are banned the next season, misrepresenting injury reports, having “doctors” that aren’t medical doctors supplying “supplements” to the team, and having support staff that refers to himself as “the Deflator, we’re all super evil for expecting the worst from a superlative character who should probably replace Lombardi’s name from the trophy.
  14. You can’t complain about a thread that is complaining for the sake of complaining.
  15. I hope so. Good odds on that streak ending with the news of Fuller out for Miami with personal issues. Meanwhile I’m trying to up my streak to 7-0 for the WFT game. Going with my wife that’s 2-0.
  16. Noticed that very early on in the game that the Steelers D was throwing their hands up and doing their best Lebron James imitation. Flopping has jumped sports.
  17. As sophomoric as it sounds, I got the jab mostly because there were rumblings earlier this year that they would probably be required. The irony that I’m coming up for the WFT game is palpable. Is there an vaccine passport app that works across states? Or is it just bring your card to the stadium?
  18. Josh needs a get right game. He seems to feel at home in Miami.
  19. I don't fault McDermott going for it if this were last year and we were rolling. This year, with a retooled OL, Dawkins struggling, Josh clearly not in a rhythm, it seemed very off. Did the big contract Allen got include "go for it" veto power? He always want to go for it, and I love that about him. But we need a coach to override with experience. It was as if we were trying to gamble on last year's credit. And we ate the losses.
  20. I'm crushed. Coming up for the WFT game. Now its going to be a more competitive game.
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