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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Baker Mayfield was the most pro ready QB of his class. Josh Rosen was the most pro ready of his class. It was clear. What they assumed was that these QBs had also a higher ceiling in addition to a higher floor. GMs wanted to rebuild faster than investing in a Josh Allen type with a high ceiling but long development plan.
  2. It's not. WFT lost this game when they went for the FG in the 3rd. You felt the momentum shift. Mahommes is using the 2nd half to get right and WFT is making it so easy. The fans are booing their inept offense. Did you see Heinicke's 4 yard check down attempt on 3rd and 6? Gives me Edwards/Losman flashbacks.
  3. Haack has 12 return yards on 14 punts this year. How is this possible? He takes multiple steps and lets his coverage team get downfield a second or two longer for little to no return. The danger is the possibility of blocks. But he's only had 3 blocks in his college and NFL career. His blocked punt this year was a game killer, but that was a blown blocking assignment and two yards of separation wasn't saving that play. Haack is a proficient holder, doesn't have a ridiculous mustache, and is known for his ability to fake a kick. Boho can kick far sometimes. No competition in my mind.
  4. Honest question I always meant to ask: I read his nickname as “Bo Joe,” but the j in Bojorquez is pronounced like an h. So are we all referring to him as “Boho” or “BoJoe?”
  5. That overtime lasted forever. Felt exhausted watching them skate. Anyone who underestimates the cardio involved in hockey needs to reapply for their fan card.
  6. You knew he was gone when he was super emotional last night. He knew.
  7. I know this will sound paranoid, but in 2020 Milano injures his hamstring in September, then comes back in October and has a pec injury against a strong RB. I say sit him against TEN to keep history from repeating itself.
  8. It is premature to call Groot a draft success 5 games into his career, but he's been very impressive so far. And while I'm certain McBeane and Co would have addressed DE during the draft, perhaps we wouldn't have spent our first pick on Gregory Rousseau had we won the Watt lottery. Watt has had some production for Arizona. As long as he's healthy, you still have to account for him on every play like always. Groot has better stats currently, but you can't make a summary judgement at Week 6. That being said, at this point if you made me choose, I'd take Rousseau's upside for his promising career for what is most likely the last stop in Watt's career in Arizona. Unless he's broken into Brady's avocado ice cream freezer.
  9. There's too much division today as it is. Condiments are not the hill to die on. Let people enjoy the wings. The wings are what brings us together.
  10. Exactly. Which is why for example Cowherd always had a Cowboys/Lebron James story chambered for rainy days. My theory has always been that national shows choose stories by market first, then by how compelling the story is.
  11. He’s way more laid back than his hairstyle would lead you to believe.
  12. Punter. Until Matt Haack shows us one of those fancy fake punts he's supposedly famous for, I'm not sold. Seems the way to go was the Bojo plan of finding a boomer to get us out of bad field position and going for it on the other side of the 50.
  13. Gruden hasn't changed. If there ever was a "what you see is what you get" type personality, he would be it. The more intriguing question to me is did he rub someone the wrong way about the next union contract (why else focus on comments about Demaurice Smith in particular)? Or is he just a target of opportunity in the WFT investigation and couldn't be passed up?
  14. I don't find his slobbering over the player du jour as irritating as some. I do, however, strongly disagree with his preferences when it comes to penalties. Seems too much like the NBA fans who think LeBron James deserves foul calls because of his star power more than the actual infraction.
  15. I've got to say, it must be nice to be a KC fan. You're still in your seat, in the 4th quarter, in a monsoon, down by 18 expecting a comeback because your MonStar team seems like it could do that on reputation alone.
  16. Stop giving him clicks. He does this with many subjects, we're just more attuned to this one. His mia culpas aren't remotely satisfying. Please don't waste bandwith on this clown's bread and butter.
  17. I can. His claps sounded weird in the rain. Needs a hand towel nearby for crisper clapping.
  18. i love that White can barely tackle Kelce but this one time, he pushes him over like a superhero? bull
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