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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. “They?” Thanks for spending time on another fanbase’s site. We’ll welcome you to the fold one day.
  2. Would almost make more sense to slide inside Fells to G and put Ford at TE.
  3. We don’t have time to pine away for Fitz AND Teller. Pick one.
  4. Allen doesn’t have time to throw to the receivers we already have. Can OBJ block?
  5. If it were merely taunting, the flag would have already been thrown. It only came out after he tried to run into the player. It was insane to see. Watch it in slow motion. You see the ref look at him, orient his body that way, then increase speed. What he was hoping to accomplish is a mystery. A hip check? And SVP chanting "it didn't affect the outcome of the game," is getting creepy. He's said it 5 times in 10 minutes. Superliminal messaging?
  6. Rhule's backpedaling mid-response tells you that nothing will be addressed and the fear of officials outweighs the integrity of the game. "I'll defend my players... uh that is... if that's okay to do so... please don't fine me or Jerry Hughes us please." Let's move on.
  7. Josh tried but, as I'm sure people have pointed out: He wouldn't take 5-7 free yards by running when he could take a lower percentage shot down field He took sacks in multiple situations where losing yards took us out of FG range Fumbled multiple times Two uncontested INTs Didn't take when the defense gave and played cool Now I understand that he couldn't trust his OL, his OC gave him little to work with, and the drops were catastrophic. But we need to come to terms with the fact that this IS Josh Allen. He will make amazing throws, angry run for first downs, and get the defense to jump occasionally. However he will never take profits, hold the ball securely, or throw the ball away without intentional grounding. There's apparently no coaching it out of him, we have to live with it. And I'll take him over all the Fitzpatricks, Tyrods, and Trent Edwards.
  8. Every play in the punt formation until Josh hurts his arm.
  9. That’s the problem. This team is clearly too relaxed. The OL in particular. It literally could only be “just one game” because there’s only one game scheduled. Unless they start doing double headers. I find it annoying that no one says “it’s just one loss,” because that is inaccurate.
  10. Nothing about that game was their best. If you think it was then our season just went down the oh well
  11. The playbook is out on how to beat us if Jax can do it.
  12. I’m a grateful drought survivor, but even I was just about to post a public apology to anyone who spent any time/money/effort to travel in support of this team. At least those who watched the Titans loss saw an entertaining game. This was an absolute embarrassment.
  13. Good thing we didn’t “waste” picks at the trade deadline.
  14. You could tell by that throw away at the RBs feet last drive that Josh has no faith in his OL and no mojo.
  15. The OL looks unrecognizable. It’s a crime that we didn’t trade for OL depth
  16. The word “inquire” is starting to look suspect at this point. If we ask “Is *insert player’s name here* home?” then technically we inquired about them.
  17. True. He wasn't terrible. However, he wasn't superlative either. If we're going to choose between booming punts and good holds, I'd choose the better holding to ensure the points. There really needs to be a shank stat for punters. I feel both have the same amount. Until Haack busts out one of those fakes we were told he was so good at, I'm still going to feel that we should have kept Bojo if only because he was our eccentric weirdo we stole from the Pats fair and square. The local paper put the blame for the Crosby misses on the "team" when it happened, but since they've made a change at long snapper, they've shifted the blame to be totally on the previous long snapper. Seems to be towing the party line.
  18. This may have already been answered, but why didn’t the Browns rework his contract and trade him? His hissy fit happened before the deadline, they had time to make their cap hit minimal AND dump him off on another team. At least they would have gotten something back in return for him.
  19. A coworker is a Saints fan who seems to think that football was a means to an end for Thomas and that his huge contract left him less hungry for the game. Not sure how to fact check that
  20. Yep. You nailed it. I only sleep when the Bills lose. Jacksonville doesn't want to win. Urban Meyer wants to grind, but on young women, not coaching. But seriously I don't want to be the old man yelling at the whippersnappers driving 26 mph through the neighborhood, but I have to remind everyone that everyone in the NFL was the best in their town, state, and college. The Dolphins showed that even a team with an abysmal record wants to win. Flores pulled every trick he had out on Sunday. They did the opposite of their tendencies, then mixed up coverages/blitzes and confused our offense. For the first half, it worked. Miami was a shanked kick and a terrible snap away from a 10 point lead going into the half. That is why I consider Sunday to be one of the better wins on the year. Our coaches diagnosed what went wrong in the first half, and constantly adjusted to pull out a win against a division rival who knows our strengths/weaknesses better than most. It's been so great to finally have a team that you can count on to be competitive for a change after such a long drought. But expectations are bordering ridiculous. We need to remember that being the top dog means that everyone is gunning for you, and you're going to get their best shot. So expecting a blowout is a bridge too far. Hoping for one isn't. And I'm hoping along with you.
  21. We will play down to them. Close game. Never a dull moment with these Bills.
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