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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. This is the topic sentence of this book report. As soon as Tre says he’s fine, we don’t have to be de facto defensive for him. The pro-Gronk crowd has to at least consider that we’ve rooted against this guy on principle for a decade. He assaulted one of our best players with a weapon and was given a light slap on the metal-braced wrist. A decent punishment would have actually helped Bills fans process it. Instead it just advanced the screw job narrative and now included Gronk personally. The lack of remorse during his documentary was the icing on the cake. It should come as no surprise that many fans can’t get past it. But I’d like to think that if Tre can, we can.
  2. Did we ever get an official denial that Fitz DIDN’T hurt his hip at a water park?
  3. This is the same board that didn't want a repentant Vick after doing his time, for his crime, still in his prime. But did anyone ever tell you that Fitz wore a wedding ring while playing? That was worth 4 more years of drought, minimum.
  4. Madden should update his Awareness stat to 1
  5. Sat on the visitors side at the game week 3. I watched him on every play because supposedly their Dline was going to roll us I was told. I’ve never seen a DE get so close so many times without hitting home. Josh felt the rush and had to make at least one slide or step up every pass play. It was an absolute joy to see him so pissed off coming off the field all day. Young is talented and has a motor. We couldn’t afford to trade for him, but he would be the second coming of Bruce if we just magically inserted him in the lineup.
  6. I’ve been told that if we don’t remember what our past, we’re doomed to repeat it. So I’ll enjoy 2 straight championships and an appearance in a third straight.
  7. Reminds me of reading Poe in high school. Back then periods were in short supply, but commas were plentiful.
  8. Ertz becomes a FA March 16 at 4pm
  9. Your elected officials don't owe you an explanation and you don't owe your wife explanations either I suppose. Are you saying that you're not interested? It's obviously not broken our fandom, but how can we know that anything has been resolved if we don't know what happened or why? How can they learn from it or be better if no one knows?
  10. I lost interest for a while in the NFL with the tuck rule. Didn’t help that we were only toes deep in the drought but for it to be so blatant and wrong was disconcerting. But it’s not just the NFL. Everybody got into it. The UFC in the 2000s when St.Pierre smothered the top of his head in petroleum jelly to pass guards. Baseball in the 90s when it was obviously juiced. Then, ironically, I was just getting back into MLB when the Astros cheated.
  11. Let’s see. Something positive. Something positive. 🤔 Oh I got it. Wentz has the ability to make 2 amazing throws a game.
  12. If we have to stew on this for a year, the very least we’re owed is an explanation. And McD robbed us of that by, best case scenario, trying to protect Frazier and our ST coach who was rumored on his way out anyway. I honestly feel for Frazier. Without 13, the blemishes on his record as DC were minor. A few blowouts over 3 seasons were easily overlooked. Not to mention the organization he played for was hiring and a reunion seemed a sure thing.
  13. Send him to CHI with a low pick for Mack. Not a like replacement, but it gives them a young LB with “potential.” Gives us an LB who isn’t stood up by 5’6” RB3s on blitzes.
  14. Murray would be much better off in a non-contact sport. Pitch counts, over a 4 hour game, with plenty of rest between games? Sounds like less overall injury risk for a game in which height doesn’t matter as much. Also MLB players make more money on average AND their contracts are guaranteed. Sounds like a no brainer.
  15. If they won the Chiefs game and completely laid an egg in the AFCCG, Frazier still would have gotten a HC job. 13 seconds was the high school equivalent of farting in gym class and then running for class president. He was only going to get pity votes.
  16. As long as the Owner, GM, and coach can’t agree on something as fundamental as QB, they’re not a threat.
  17. The Saints HC job was the one that Flores actually didn’t want. That should tell you something.
  18. It is genuinely sad to see that McDaniel's heritage is getting called "not enough" on Twitter by people who only judge based on skin color of a team photo.
  19. Gotta love how the entire NFL's front offices stuck their heads in the sand after the lawsuit was announced and kicked the can along to all the other NFL teams with coaching vacancies saying "YOU hire a minority." The Raiders, Jacksonville, and soon to be Vikings and Texans saying "you didn't mean US." Like roommates walking past the full garbage can on the way out the door.
  20. No reason to fix the Pro Bowl. It is not a competitive game because there is nothing to gain. Asking players to risk their livelihood for no real reward is hilarious. Unless there's specifically worded protection built into every NFL contract, it is a significant career risk for what amounts to a preseason game check. Might as well ask why Salvation Army bell ringers aren't commission based jobs. Makes about as much sense.
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