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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. How about this trip down memory lane? Every day is confirmation that we picked the right Josh
  2. If you grease the tour guide's palms, they'll let you try to slide down the handrail in the 300s.
  3. If I was Arizona, I would do it in a heartbeat. Ravens letting Lamar twist in the wind despite being their presumptive franchise QB who has delivered more than Murray. Take the hail mary out of his resume and what has Murray done? Has Murray done charitable work? Did he humbly sign autographs for opposing fans after the biggest defeat of his career? Murray was publicly demanding an extension before he was actually able to do so, Lamar was a league MVP. Murray is rumored to be selfish and immature. Which is to be expected for his age, but not for his position. If we're calling their physical talents equal (exceptional runner, middling passer) then the tie breaker would be experience and locker room presence.
  4. I love that we didn't bother to fix the spelling of his name because he's not worth it. Personally, I would change every mention to "Not James Cook."
  5. If Beane was truly reckless with the cap, he would have freed up space for Bradberry. Could you imagine Tre White bring free to take his time coming back to be the cherry on top of our defense? It would have wrecked the league before it even had the chance to check itself. And you must give one the sporting chance to check oneself before allowing themselves to wreck themself. It is only good manners.
  6. It's cute that you guys believe that the Deflator is personally tweeting and it's not the social media arm of his PR team.
  7. For those who forgot their own chosen narrative, Kaepernick was benched for Blaine Gabbert in the preseason before his crusade. He didn't dress and sat on the bench for the national anthem during the second preseason game. No one noticed. He did it again in the third preseason game. The media noticed the second time. The final preseason game is when he knelt for the first time. He only became a crusader when he was called out for poor sportsmanship and a bad look for a former franchise QB. Suddenly, there was bigger fish to fry. Now that he had free time, he literally couldn't stand for something that had been apparently nagging him forever. He can believe what he wants, he's entitled to it. But your cause may not be a backpedal.
  8. My wife worked for US Airways. She explained it to me this way. Every time you fly, chances are you're paying the most anyone has ever paid for a ticket. But you have to go, so you deal. You are given the 3rd degree by a TSA agent who is rude to you because after the 10,000th time explaining, one can't be courteous. To make sure you don't miss the flight, you showed up 2 hours early. Now the flight is delayed so you're bored and irritated. Post Covid, almost all delays are because of manpower. The ground crew cleaning the plane you're waiting for has to do twice as much work for same pay because a large portion quit during covid. The pay is usually around minimum wage because now airlines bid for contracts with airports, so they allocate the absolute minimum. And the kicker is they've found that they can still function with an overworked bare bones staff so instead of it being temporary, it's the new "streamlined business model" for increased profits. They might get complaints but what are you gonna do? Drive to FL? So the customers are stressed, the employees are stressed, and surrounded by security officers who don't joke around because there are literally signs telling you not to. You're in sky jail. It's no wonder there are so many incidents. Pile on top of that people who are nervous fliers, babies, mask mandates, and emotional support ostriches, it's so easy to revert to fight or flight mode. Not an excuse, just an attempt at an explanation. But I have to wonder what was going through their heads. They're at the ticket counter. He hasn't got any baggage near him in the video. He hasn't been through security yet. And the moment you square up on an employee before you hope to utilize their services is an interesting logic. Like sucker punching your cab driver and then telling them "Take me to Applebees!" Probably not going to get there. The employee is the worse of the two. He can call security. He doesn't have to dirty his hands at all. Yet goes the extra sky mile and love taps this guy in much better shape than him. Both will learn that when you're at an airport, you can be charged in federal court.
  9. Forgive me for not believing that he’s suddenly sincere. The guy who is known for being a career sore loser. The one who retired for his wife and kids only to come back a month later. He’s in branding/legacy mode. His PR team most likely emphasized social media and self deprecation to make his image more likable. His roast is merely to promote the products of his production company. As much as I personally dislike him, he is not stupid. He has the best people giving him the best advice. He will do as told.
  10. Is Edelman's beard what it looks like when TB12 makes you pop for PEDs? Of course it's prescribed by a doctor? Reminds me to add Just for Men to the grocery list.
  11. Feliciano was my guy. He is into video games, crypto, and has a healthy distrust of government. Plus, he literally carried our RBs forward. He seemed to represent Bills Mafia. Then he lost his spot and suddenly we had an OL that was so Bills Mafia it embodied the chicken wing itself. His contract extension in 2021 gave him more guaranteed money in exchange for making him a FA this year instead of 2024. His sour grapes comes from the FO not convinced he was worth the money and telling him to prove it. He did not.
  12. Other players have been suspended for far fewer allegations. If the NFL really wanted to send a message that they supported women, they'd suspend Watson for a year and let Cleveland suffer with Mayfield.
  13. The counter argument to all arm strength arguments is every "sign Fitz" threads over the past 4 years
  14. But this is Netflix. Brady will be recast.
  15. We're all human. I thought: hd dvd would beat blu ray Dan would beat Dave bellbottoms wouldn't come back music would get better over time it was butter and I was incredulous about it when told otherwise
  16. That is awesome. Every moment Miami wastes on Tua is one they aren't using to right their ship.
  17. His kryptonite was QB contain. But he was a beast. The Vikings game sticks out in my mind along with the game at Denver. Along with Kyle Williams, it will be sad that we have to win a SB without them.
  18. The football equivalent of A-Rod: annoying cheater with a hot wife.
  19. This. Plus we couldn’t teach a HoF rugby player how to chip block for 3 years so my expectations on him learning to hold are low.
  20. Oh sure, he was so trash. But we still wanted Gilmore, right? We all squared our ill feelings with him when he was available. Was there even a Gronk thread? I don't recall...
  21. Once we get a ring, we can all dial down the sensitivity to his annoying personality.
  22. Why not? Farve, Rothlisberger, Rodgers, Flacco all have been vocal about not having the responsibility to mentor, and all proceeded to get extensions. He is the Chad Pennington of a new generation.
  23. Will this the affect the $70,000 average cost of adoption?
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