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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Valid point. However, the sticking point for many is that Edmunds gets virtually no direct criticism. It's all deflected towards scheme or coaching or the wind, but anything aside from poor decisions. It's astounding to me how someone who has been in-position for 4 years has such poor instincts. It speaks volumes when guys like Baylon Spector and Terrel Bernard who are considered undersized have real paths to the roster based on playing style and drive.
  2. Love Po. Want him to stay but let’s be brutally honest: at this point, Poyer isn’t interested in fair. He simply wants to be paid. Any “fairness” the team gets out of the deal is incidental. We know this because: a) His wife is on record saying that he is done taking team friendly deals. b) He even went as far as to hire the most money-hungry agent there is. c) He feels, justified or not, that he was skipped over/undervalued.
  3. If you're SF, why would you talk down the QB you're trying to trade. I get it, it's late and the list of possible suitors is getting thin. But there's still two more preseason games, you never know what will happen.
  4. Hope all goes well. Consider making a How To thread afterwards for the uninitiated.
  5. Diggs should make a ranch. He's about bringing people together. Not judging people based solely on their condiment choices. On second thought, ranch is ranch. You can make your own with a packet of Hidden Valley for $2. Probably no money in it.
  6. Tony Boselli's induction is the only argument you need. Short career. One notable playoff performance. And he's the equal of Anthony Muñoz, Steve Hutchinson, and Gene Upshaw?
  7. The better question is how to justify a player like Moss who is both a backup AND plays 0 special teams. If someone already said this, then I totally agree and it's about time someone said that. *starts slow clap*
  8. My questions is even if you're not sold on him personally, who is available that is better than Lamar Jackson? Jimmy G? They're not tanking for a pick so they'll have to package picks for a top QB prospect. And even then you're hoping for someone at least equally as talented which is about as low percentage a crap shoot as I can think of.
  9. If you listen to OBL then you get that he considers it show prep and you're not really getting much new except for the current in-game commentary. Can't really hold that against him though.
  10. Even if they had paid him right after Josh's deal, they'd have saved a ton. They seem like such a smart organization, I have no idea what they thought was going to come along that is better.
  11. Couldn’t hear it on tv, but apparently they gave him a little of the business.
  12. No one is in Jacksonville to boo Deshaun Watson. Overthrew his first pass. Their starting center Harris is getting carted off the field
  13. His contract is exhibit A and it’s the most damning to Watson’s case. It means that the Browns knew, whether or not he settled all of the lawsuits against him, he would be suspended. The Browns did the equivalent of putting on multiple pairs of underwear before a spanking they know is coming when Dad gets home. The NFL can’t let the Browns go unpunished or other teams will try their hand at it as well.
  14. Tyrod is the new Fitz. He'll make your developmental QB look like trash, win the starting job so you can't make an accurate judgement, then get hurt so your young QB gets thrown into the fire unexpectedly.
  15. Felt like I was the only guy defending Mongo and he keeps making me look worse. Comes off looking like the guy who keeps unnecessarily bringing up his ex. She's not even thinking of you, bro.
  16. Yeah just look at how unplugged and social everyone was before cellphones. That’s living life and being present. 🤪 But seriously, this is an interesting read. https://www.garyvaynerchuk.com/this-generation-will-be-fine-why-social-media-wont-ruin-us/
  17. For Von Miller's last game in Buffalo in 2017 they played "My House" by Flo Rida on the PA. At the time I thought it was a poor choice considering they were favored to win. Since then its proven exceptionally fitting considering Emmanuel Sanders and Von were on that Broncos team.
  18. Yet another example of the NFL looking the other way for talented players. Isn't that the ultimate slap in the face of Kaepernick's legacy? We'll put up with numerous domestic abusers, and a high-profile serial sexual assaulter because he's actually good. But you're the only one that ever got "blackballed."
  19. I thought that an early week news drop would indicate a strong NFL ruling, and that a Friday at 5pm news dump would be Watson gets a slap on the wrist. But the majority opinion on Twitter seems to be very pessimistic that the NFL is going to look very good when this is over.
  20. Much has been made of the 2 TE set potential with Howard and Knox. I think featuring those sets would add a wrinkle to what the opposing defense has to prepare for, even if we don't use it often. Not to mention adding the possibility of play action in scenarios that in the Dabol era were clear running formations. However very little has been made of OJ and Dawson's combined injury history. Don't get me wrong, the upside for their tandem is amazing. The ceiling is sky high. But with a longer season and early bye week, it's not unreasonable to prepare for the eventuality that we'll be without either or both of them at some point. Assuming Dorsey is serious about 2 TE sets, are we going to roster an extra TE at the cost of an RB? Do we utilize Morris as a FB/TE hybrid? Are we keeping Wydermyer around for any other reason than he's 6'5" and spells his name weirdly? And just what exactly do we have in Sweeney?
  21. Yes and You really have to wonder just how close players are with their representation. Tom Brady doesn't breathe without permission of his PR. Even his Super Bowl celebration in TB was in 4K and leaked by his people to try to make him an everyman. His golf smack talk is pre-approved. And yet there are the Cole Beasleys and Drew Brees of the world that make you wonder who the hell is looking out for their best interest. If their family/agents/PR people had any clue they were about to insert their feet into their craw, they'd have shut them down fast.
  22. That would still be a 9 hour drive each way. I hope they're flying. I'm an hour SE of RVA and the drives there are murder. Has inflation hit the tolls yet? That's not a thing, right?
  23. Does it look like Poyer was expecting boos? A few Redditors seem to think so. I’m not so sure. The mafia doesn’t control contracts and he’s not holding out.
  24. This is Edmunds year to showcase that he’s got anything other than “wingspan” and “freak measurements.” If he does then pay him, if not, let him walk.
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