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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Ron Swanson is many things, but silly is not one of them. There's a few studies that indicate that the lighter the jersey, the less penalized the team. If the Miami game wasn't proof of that (or a pay off) nothing is.
  2. Esiason obviously doesn’t follow the dime a dozen chant we have going on.
  3. I haven't rooted this hard for the Bengals since KC in the playoffs. Short week, plenty of injuries and Tua's brain rubber stamped by
  4. Waiting for the "Dorsey set a bad example for children" crowd to craft that "Brady has been setting a bad example for two decades" thread. Deflating, spying, cheating, throwing hissy fits...
  5. Did he make Brady throw and break multiple tablets again? Because its only okay if he and Belichick do it.
  6. I'm not a blame the refs guy, but this game was really egregious. The home cookin was in force.
  7. What was he supposed to do? Weep quietly? Is that the better example? I don’t blame him one bit. You lose a roster full of players to injury, overcome incredulous refereeing, and manage to still call the perfect play to take the lead at the end of the game and your alien specimen of a QB makes the worst throw of the season. Then, by some miracle, you get a second chance and your team can’t even clock the ball. Belichick and Brady can break tablets and throw phones multiple times on the sidelines without reproach but god forbid our man in a booth under crazy circumstances gets heated once. The children love watching the booth instead of the field, right?
  8. Something about his youthful face makes me feel sorry for him. Like a crying child. I may not root for him or his team, but I do not wish for injuries.
  9. It’s not meaningless that we doubled our injury report. Baltimore looks daunting at this rate.
  10. I imagine that moves the betting line significantly again. Any chance we could lure Richard Sherman out of the booth for one last ride?
  11. That's the ticket! And then I say something like, oh yeah Edmunds is so good, he even injures his own DBs just to intimidate other teams. But seriously, the only thing Frazier can do to make the league forget about 13 seconds is to win games like against the "fastest offense" in the league with half of his defense tied behind his back. If he can do that, he will have plenty of interview opportunities come playoff time. Although it still hurts my heart that he missed out on the Chicago job. I wanted that for him.
  12. One of the crowning achievements of my life is convincing everyone in the small section of 115 that if we all sat down, no one had to stand. It lasted for almost half a quarter. Probably helped that it was the start of the 3rd and everyone probably just ate or got their beer. The moral victory and rest to my knees kept me going the rest of the game.
  13. Someone has already made a Benford t-shirt that looks like the Binford tools from Home Improvement logo already, right?
  14. I’ve been assured that “RBs are a dime a dozen” and “nobody wants your anointed PS player.” So this is clearly fake news.
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