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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. @CalaisCampbell did know the game was tied, and there was less 30 seconds on the clock at the time, and at best they'd have gotten the ball inside their own 10, right?
  2. This is the scenario every FA WR hopes for: a contender with the injury bug.
  3. Did an independent back injury specialist approve of this?
  4. I agree with them. The way we were playing, and based on our record in close games, a FG lead would have been almost insurmountable. The pressure would have been on. We would have passed on all of our remaining plays until we were in FG range making us one dimensional and predictable. Josh would have forced things he shouldn’t. And besides, short of an INT by us, we would have been starting the drive way inside our territory.
  5. Especially when we keep getting told they're a dime a dozen. If they are, then why are we holding on to such a cheap commodity?
  6. I've made peace with who Edmunds is. This is good for him anyway.
  7. Was sure Edmunds was going to get juked but he wrapped him up. Good job
  8. How embarrassing to be butt blocked. I know its by an all pro TE but still
  9. another 3rd and long. they'll get in FG range because thats our motto
  10. Myth? It’s less than 4 days old and no conclusive investigation and it’s an already a myth? You’re burying the lead. The bigger story is that millions of people have eyes they shouldn’t believe. Eye doctor appointments for all! But most especially the spotters.
  11. How does this make sense to anyone? He had an injury that visibly disrupted his central nervous system. But even if you go with the lame assumption it’s a neck injury, why in the world would you risk further injury to his spinal cord and brain? That’s the hill I can’t climb and why someone needs to go. I’m with you on that. Tua seems to have a brittle Sam Bradford frame.
  12. The worst part of watching the replay is how many times he could have hit the eject button on the play but didn't. He could have thrown a lower percentage ball, then he could have thrown it away. He scrambled for a way out, by that time he did the math and I think he didn't feel he had the arm strength to get it past the LOS where it wouldn't get intercepted. At that point he could have done the Brady signature curl up in a ball and surrender. I'm surprised that the Bengal wasn't fined or flagged for the extra effort but that's probably because we've seen the slo mo replay too many times. It would be a way the NFL could try to shift blame from the Dolphins "independent" neurologist/back injury specialist to the defender. Did anyone else notice how they tried to keep a somber tone at the half, but by the end of the game they could sense the outrage and allowed the commentators to speculate? I was hoping Sherman at the least would have had the grapes to say what he felt at halftime.
  13. If they'd just outline the stripes with a little orange, it would be perfect
  14. Apparently the Dolphins are unable to be called for defensive holding or pass interference
  15. Anyone think Bridgewater looks exceptionally well prepared?
  16. What the hell did we all just witness? It feels like a crime.
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