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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Cincinnati is just depressing. Watching the game slowly slip away.
  2. Imagine if we lost. Even by one point with one second left in overtime. Would the lead story be how NE beat an injured reeling Bills team with no running game and only one good receiver? Absolutely not. It would be how the genius Belichek outsmarted a unicorn QB. It would be how Mac continued his roll from the MIN game. Instead we get the Bills bullied a bad team and how incompetent their coaches are. We won a gimme again. Just tired of it.
  3. if his ankle is causing his dropsies then yes
  4. This x1000. We are Bills fans. We want our players to do well. Anyone who wants a player to fail just to confirm their own preferences can surrender their fan card imho. Amazing how short memories are about that.
  5. Nope. Be over it. I’ve never felt more secure about our punt returns since Roberts left. He’s worth his salary for that.
  6. Edmunds takes away extensions with his size and length. It's the extensions you don't see... 🤡
  7. Obviously his health preferences caused them to all get sick. Good thing he's not an "I told you so" type of guy, right?
  8. Edmunds will take away throws because of his size. And theoretically if he stays in the exact middle of the field, they can only throw to the sidelines.
  9. Bajillion $ idea: tattoos with the vaccines already in them.
  10. You would have loved the Fitz years on this board then. I mean, we live in the Edmunds era so I guess you didn't really miss anything.
  11. It’s the staple of Reddit. Sad to see it come here to roost.
  12. Start throwing up when KC is starting their backups in the late 2nd qtr
  13. It’s going to be a frustrating day to root against our division rivals. Sucks to watch them walk into Ws today.
  14. I think Foot Locker was there trying to lure him away from Dr. Scholls
  15. Romo's appeal was prognostication, aside from that, he's really not prepared with stories or side conversations. I know it isn't baseball where they have to fill 4 1/2 hours so they need childhood stories, but something other than "this is what I'd do" would be nice.
  16. take a shot of 2% beer every time we miss a tackle and we'd be dead by halftime
  17. He’s got a hard to place accent. Sounds slightly cajun
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