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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Chris Simms is just trying out some new Nick Wright routines. Don’t make him feel it’s working.
  2. Why bother screaming on Tua’s behalf when the NFL never finds any wrongdoing? Didn’t you get the memo to not believe your own eyes? The NFL obviously don’t care about his health, his coach throws him back in every time, no independent observers ever catch anything, so the message is: why should you care anymore?
  3. It's just the on the road in the playoffs is the sticking point.🤓 He should have gotten the Chicago vacancy. It is a crime that he didn't. Hopefully everyone has forgotten 13 seconds and he can get a fair shake this cycle.
  4. Raiders got the Broncos memo and decided to tank for draft position too. Does the mob have money on KC getting the #1 seed or what?
  5. What is Derek Carr supposed to think? That his team thinks he's not worth $40 for the face of their franchise? How is Raider Nation supposed to take this news?
  6. Lost respect for him after the FA fanbase phishing debacle. He did good things for his community and I will not call his philanthropic work into question. Especially when he "married" that little girl for a make a wish. But I soured on him as a person after stringing so many fanbases along and then washing his hands of any responsibility for it. There. It's a compliment sandwich. Best I could do.
  7. He's a professional troll. But what is much worse, is that most people haven't seemed to catch on to his formula. He takes a popular team/player and vocally picks against them. Stephen A has already done this with the Cowboys and I'm surprised he himself hasn't taken offense to the blatant plagiarism. The logic is, if they win, your criticism made them. And if they lose, you called it early. You refuse to apologize and therefore never admit defeat.
  8. I was certain this thread was going to be about our record after Josh grows a Gatsby mustache
  9. Love the optimism of assuming Motor will resign at a team friendly deal, playing the least durable position, especially if he gets a ring this year. We haven't had that spirit here since 1969.
  10. Okay now lets guess how many Rooney rule flaunts?
  11. Mcdaniel still Teflon on this topic. He's directly responsible and yet blameless. It's astounding.
  12. I remember when Gilmore couldn't cover a short cross for us
  13. Vegas getting the suckers to bet early. This line will move.
  14. How does a change at QB "spark the run game?"
  15. The Edmunds thread has made debating the play of certain players super vague, generalized, and--by the standards of this board-- indefensible. Here's the go to that we can apply to any player: It's the plays he takes away that you don't see that makes him valuable. His size is an asset. He only does what the coaches ask of him. He's a leader. He would not be easily replaced. He could go to any other team to get paid and we're lucky to have him. By the laws of the Edmunds thread, this argument is over and I win. Anyone who has specific examples is just a hater and likes to lose somehow.
  16. Feliciano not looking so bat#%^* crazy anymore, huh? Just kidding, that dude can go fly a kite off a short pier on tall cliff after talking so much smack after leaving. The crazy thing is that it’s not as if the FO didn’t try and address the OL. But these whiffs hurt. Rewatch the game at any point, we took an L the entire game in the trenches. Anyone FA OL worth having is on a team so no one’s coming to save us. We just have to hope they can Bad News Bears/Mighty Ducks it by the playoffs
  17. Is this the “punching down” I’ve heard repeated so much this season on this forum? 🤪
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