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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. After backing up the Brinks truck for LB that’s been there less than 6 months, and all but saying their going to franchise tag Lamar, I wouldn’t blame Lamar Jackson if he took his long term health quite seriously starting right now.
  2. I can't believe it. Wow. I still think they don't care, but at a PR level they should have gotten ahead of it and preemptively shut him down. Would have made them look like they cared.
  3. The video edit was outstanding except the reusing the same fan clip 6 times. Other than that, A+
  4. So like Gilmore, he doesn’t love the town more than the money, and won’t stay for peanuts + good vibes. Thanks for setting proper expectations.
  5. Unfortunately the only places I haven’t had to stand is the club seats and the nosebleeds. I appreciate all the in depth analysis of the concussion protocol, but he’s 100% playing. Nothing Miami has done this year has proven to me that they sincerely care about his health. I’m actually worried that our D will be scared to hit him given the Hamlin experience.
  6. Not in the pay Edmunds camp, but I didn’t think the market would get reset before the salary cap went up. Thought we had time to make him a reasonable offer. Oh well. The last illusion Edmunds fanatics will have is the one where he takes a deep hometown discount.
  7. I find it hilarious that they didn’t want to risk Mike White or Zach Wilson in the small chance of spoiling Miami’s playoff push. The cake topper is the two FGs of offense they had to show for it. Wilson with the locker room against him could have got you 6.
  8. Unless Smoke can block like Davis, lets keep him at least as a decoy.
  9. Heard this during the game but Tre White was called for defensive holding but it was declined in the 1st quarter. Takes some of the mystique away when you have to qualify it by "accepted penalties."
  10. what makes you think that Singletary would hold onto the ball in a pile, when he can’t hold onto it standing up not surrounded?
  11. Edmunds didn’t take away that pass with his 25M contract size
  12. The Patriot culture of knowing you'll be cut when the contract they gave you no longer spark joy when they think of you.
  13. DBs shmeebees. Haven't you seen all the threads to our secret weapon that takes away throws just by being tall that we need to overpay just for that scenario?
  14. Considering concussion symptoms aren't always immediate, and he's already had clear concussion symptoms dismissed before, then actually was concussed; yes, I would assume they'd be watching for his head slamming on the turf. His fragile melon in particular. Are you telling me that the observers aren't looking for head contacting the ground? They're only looking for the birdies and stars to spin around above his head like a Bugs Bunny cartoon?
  15. You’re not wrong about symptoms, but look how hard his head hit. You could say hindsight is 20/20, but not when it’s someone’s job specifically to watch for it. Add to it that it already happened twice this year! You can’t tell me the NFL cares.
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