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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. The thing I love about Lynch is that he never gives up on plays. Jackson seems to find holes better.
  2. It was mentioned on an earlier list, but I have to second the 1996 wild card loss to the Jaguars. Not only was the fumble that swung the game not a fumble, it also knocked out Kelly's career. I still feel cheated. I can't help but hope Trent can turn our offense into something that resembles the K-Gun
  3. Is anyone really surprised by that? They were giving the Pats outrageously generous spots all night.
  4. I'm still wondering what an investigation would find that the admission of guilt wouldn't. Are they going to correct the spelling?
  5. I was looking out for that as well, and I was pleased that the defense didn't fall for it. I was expecting a qb sneak. Credit all the work with the no huddle in practice I guess
  6. To be a Bills fan is to know disappointment. But when we finally get that Super Bowl title, it will be so sweet/
  7. Starting off the season 5-1 last season was unexpected, but that would pale in comparison to beating New England in their house on Monday Night Football.
  8. Trying to explain why Bill Belichick is still a great coach after spygate is like trying to convince me how great a baseball player Barry Bonds was. I'll play along. He was 36-44 in 6 years with Cleveland. Where was the magic then? p.s. they only found six spygate tapes because someone forgot to take out the trash
  9. The Patriots probably already have our practices taped. Bellicheat will know what we're going to do.
  10. To be a Bills fan is to expect the worst and hope for the best. Even if by some miracle we went 12-4 this year with the talent we have, I would STILL question Jaron's calls, front office's lack of initiative and wish for an owner that isn't 15 minutes away from rigor mortis.
  11. I'm watching because of terrible towel stomping the Titans did last year. My brother is a Steelers fan and it pissed him off to no end. Lendale White said "If it happens to be there, I'm going to stomp all over that, man. If there's a towel in the stands, I will stomp on it. I don't care who gets mad. If they throw a towel at me, I'm going to kick it and stomp all over it. If they don't want their towel stomped on, keep it out my face." Article I'm waiting for an illegal crack back by Ward or various other Steeler retribution
  12. After 27 losses over the past 3 seasons, I think Rush Limbaugh is only slighly less qualified as a coach than Dick Jaron
  13. Yeah, Bell should demand a raise. Then hold out just like Peters. Then it will feel back to normal
  14. If Kelsay were to take out Brady, I would name my firstborn son after him.
  15. The game wasn't accurate unless the Patriots stole your signals
  16. I'm not sure too many other teams are interested in a running back on the decline with a horrible nose for running lanes and fumble on returns
  17. Aside from getting T.O., I've never seen the front office act with any initiative. I can't stand to see New England wheel and deal themselves into perennial contenders. I would settle for desperation mode, but I wish for competence.
  18. Since other teams are taking dead weight off our roster, we should shop Kelsay.
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