As long as the cryptkeeper owns the team and makes a profit, we will continue to send our talented players to other teams and become the minor league of the NFl
A dome or retractable roof is will be part of any new stadium, so much for the cold weather "advantage." The supposed advantage being against Miami, considering the other teams in our division play in the same climate.
We forcibly ended the career of a diva who held his team hostage, held out for more money on top of his 12 Mil, and enjoys sending pictures of his junk to staffers.
Use Whitner in your everyday speech. When you overpay for something you won't get any significant use out of, it's called "drafting a Whitner." i.e. My friend chose to buy HDDVDs instead of Blue ray discs, he sure did draft a Whitner.
Blitz Brady? Too risky. If you hit him, you'll get a penalty. Regardless, they'll invent another rule to ensure Brady's success. The next one being if Brady throws an incomplete pass, he gets a do-over.
I would rather take a chance on an early round quarterback being a Ryan or Flacco, only we pick in the top 5. If not, I say get the best pass rushing DL, and take a well rounded QB later on