I would think that they would be wise enough to realize that appearing in public that way is a public relations hit you don't have to take. But then again, neither can give up their iron grip on their teams. Despite how much it hurts them.
For someone so willing to moisturize the Cryptkeeper's wrinkly behind, you give him too little credit. If he were to dump highly rated and experienced veterans like Evans, and McGee in the same offseason, wouldn't that be a little too obvious?
I think that most of America has fallen for a ratings stunt. I think they expected Ochocinco to brashly start a Twitter war which he has smartly decided not to engage in. I think its very low for ESPN to broadcast a former team member's snipes.
Gene Okerlund is still alive. Lets have him go to each team and have them do a WWF type rant before every game. i.e. "Whatcha gonna do when Buffalo runs wild on you?"
You have to admit that every thing that went our way on Sunday hasn't gone our way for the past 3 seasons. The opening kick off and the TD catch that was overturned, they usually go against us