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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. Quarterbacks coach at the very least
  2. Get your popcorn ready
  3. I was always surprised how Tony Dungy got his team's absolute respect without even having to raise his voice
  4. A female who likes sports that isn't a forward for the WNBA or a professional softball player is so rare, it doesn't matter if she's hot.
  5. Maybin made our roster
  6. The team needs to invest in a hyperbolic chamber like TO and get our guys back faster
  7. The Eagles game was on Fox, but its nice to finally skip Awful Arthur's or Smokies and watch a game at home for a change!
  8. It tastes the same
  9. The best thing that Merriman did this year was instill confidence in our defense, as far as I'm concerned he accomplished the minimum of what was expected of him.
  10. You don't lose by 55 only because of a QB
  11. Just win baby! Just bypass the draft baby!
  12. The Colts got a superbowl with the "tank for the #1 pick" and I don't think they've changed philosophies
  13. I mostly admire how Tebow inspired his team to a 15 point deficit
  14. Its easy to forget that these athletes have microphones shoved in their faces perpetually. These sports cliches came about because they're pretty much answering the same questions over and over.
  15. I wonder why we haven't seen Dan Orlovsky
  16. We put him in a scheme he didn't play at Penn State
  17. Heitz :(23 October 2011 - 02:20 PM)Maybin - when unblocked is unstoppable Truth
  18. I got this bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you
  19. Yeah Joe. He apologized after the spotlight was focused on his selfishness therefore washing away all his sins. He obviously deserves all of the biased calls his way.
  20. Is there a penalty for pulling hair?
  21. So lets say he throws 3 picks a game and we manage to win 2 out of 3 by the defense alone. What does that give him? Do you have some sort of formula for that? x=wins y=interceptions 7 million + (x - y) = salary offered per year?
  22. I can't believe he didn't do better on our team where we made him play a different position
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