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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. No! Never! Wishing ill on another person? No way... wink. Wait, did I just type wink? D'oh!
  2. I don't know who I want to lose more, Tom Brady or annoying Giants fans
  3. Two words: Ricky Williams. The guy practically retired just to smoke weed and they STILL gave him multiple chances.
  4. That's why he'll always be Donte WHIFFner to me
  5. So the Saints would give us "the business"
  6. Learn to appreciate what we had. Saw him on Espn2 talking about how his favorite NFL moment was getting his 1st game check. He is so gone already.
  7. He sounds realistic. The only reason he gets signed is because he would blaze our secondary if on an opposing team. I still see him leaving to free agency though. Don't believe the hype.
  8. Also we're not resigning Stevie Johnson. We'll make a lowball offer and lose him to free agency
  9. That would TOTALLY work with OUR defense. We shouldn't draft a QB until Fitz retires!
  10. I wish those people would understand that they don't have a team NOW. Just the bare minimum required for the NFL to put their logos on the tickets.
  11. "That's a bunch of malarky" - the Cryptkeeper
  12. I'm sure the Cryptkeeper is laughing all the way to Detroit with bags of money in his clutches and a case of Snake Oil to prolong his unnaturally long life
  13. I like how preachers live such basic, humble lives.
  14. Yeah, I mean who needs a QB for the future? 4 INTs today shows that Fitz has the best arm and judgement for years to come
  15. I have never prayed to any harm to come to anyone, but I have prayed for new ownership. Every Sunday.
  16. Waive goodbye to Stevie! The next coming of T.O. already has his bags packed.
  17. Congratulations, you have laid down and accepted this horrible product. That makes you a better fan than me, right?
  18. It hurts when you suck at the only thing you do
  19. Stevie Johnson is not a #1 receiver and it would have been good to have Evans as a decoy, if only to give opposing defenses more to gameplan for. But not to worry, we're letting SJ walk too. But this time, no great 4th round draft pick as compensation.
  20. I thought Brady was going for the number of times filmed weeping about his draft position record
  21. The public relations ploy of dedicating the season to Kraft's wife made me want to puke. It's one thing to honor the woman's memory, it's quite another to choreograph the sham.
  22. In a dream because their backups will school us
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