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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. I keep getting him confused with Phillip Rivers. Pretty sure they’re the same person.
  2. This board dragged Beane for drafting Bernard.
  3. Slightly annoying. There’s no “mini” in aluminum. But somehow it ends up in there.
  4. So? I’ve been walking since I was a baby. Took me a good year and a half to get it right. But I kept getting distracted by jingling car keys and muppets. 😆 I’m hoping he comes back better than ever. Just being cautious in optimism considering One Bills Live is talking about his injury like it’s never been seen before. And they’re always towing the party line. They’re the extended press corp of the front office.
  5. At first blush it sounded crazy. But the more information that has come out about, not just the severity of his injury, but the complexity of it has me worried. The way people talk about it, it sounded like a baffling freak injury. And after Tre, I don’t have the highest expectations anymore. I would listen to offers if there was interest.
  6. “How’s that worked out? All these effing bums who have been in government forever, who are insider trading like crazy and lining their pockets during their terms and post career, how’s that working out? How’s that working out for the average Joe, middle class or lower-middle class like I grew up, how’s that working out for those people? Not too good. How’s it working? Housing prices. Cost of food. The inflation that’s going on, chronic disease, homelessness, unemployment? How’s it working out?“ - Aaron Rodgers
  7. When he came back last year his projected annual value was $11 mil a year and 3 years according to CBS.
  8. I honestly hope you’re right. I would love to believe that he was only excoriated on this board for his personal health opinions by a small minority of the fanbase that was absurdly loud during a certain period of mass panic that were all supposed to have amnesia about. And so I will. The shots taken at his wife weren’t classy. Condemning his charity work due to political disagreements wasn’t something to be proud of. I just felt he deserved more. That’s all.
  9. Poyer was betrayed by an unappreciative fanbase who attacked his personal opinions, his charities, and his family. Then he took less money to fight through injuries to play the best statistical years of his career. But now that same fanbase calls him a traitor for going somewhere he's wanted and his personal opinions actually align with the city. Morse took paycuts and played through injuries.
  10. How many times has OP done this for relationships? Well, she might have cheated on me because I just wasn't emotionally available enough for her. Haven't seen this much revisionist history since we all forgot that Fitz chose to leave to be another team's backup. We can only have one sacred cow.
  11. The multiple seasons of parroting “don’t believe your own eyes and ears” about Diggs dissatisfaction is what really grinds my gears.
  12. This poster is correct
  13. JJ McCarthy feels like Jimmy G to me. He can knock down pins when they are set up for him. But I’ll Merril Hodge it and say he’s the next Sam Bradford.
  14. I would be happy to see them tie up almost 10 mil on an aging RB but I’m sure that press release is agent-speak for incentives he’s not likely to hit. He’s been injured every season but not out for many games so i’m not exactly sure you can all him injury prone.
  15. Narcissists can only thrive on engagement.
  16. The Jets currently have the 9th most expensive defense in the NFL before Reddick’s new deal. I hope he takes them to the cleaners.
  17. It wouldn’t still be an issue if there was an actual explanation given and responsibility taken at the time. Agonizing over it isn’t productive or healing. We have a different roster and staff. Time to move forward. Besides there’s some terrible new way to find out how to lose. I thought 13 seconds was bad until Cincinnatti, then Denver, then Philly. In retrospect, 13 seconds was the one loss that was terrible to us, but everyone else still gave us our flowers for. So much so that they favored us the next season. We all knew the playoffs were a given and the only question was how deep of a run would it be.
  18. Neil O'Donnell? I thought Bubby Brister had finally let his 5 o'clock shadow grow out. 😜
  19. Being on Carolina assures him a contract with us next
  20. It should be more obvious to fans in general. More than a few hot takes on this board recently make me wonder at what point does the average fan learn this? Or I suppose the better question is: do you really want your GM out in the media doing anything but smoke screens and misdirection? I want Beane taking up first round grades on punters, I want him making up stories about doing ayahuasca with Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers, I want him on TMZ with a random owner every other day until the draft just flooding inboxes with smoke.
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