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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. If Mr. Wilson was ever interested in cementing an enduring legacy in the hearts of Bills fans for generations to come, this would be an easy win-win situation for him. His contribution to a long term deal and/or selling the team locally would make him a HERO. Personally, I would never speak unkindly of the man again. And this is from someone who has thought ill thoughts about him in the past.
  2. Vince ran the option in college, i think people get that confused with the wildcat for some reason. Brad Smith will focus on being a great WR if he can feel the direction of the wind right now.
  3. We should sign Alex Tanney in case VY doesn't work or goes mental again. We should send Thigpen packing. He can't even hold the clipboard right!
  4. So Fitzpatrick can have a 105.5 rating throwing to his side too
  5. As many times as I've feared the Bills would give my father a heart attack from anger, I guess I should be more worried it would burst if they actually won. If we sign that YouTube trick shot QB to back up Fitzcrackedribs, I think we got a shot this year.
  6. It was my impression we were picking up Mario Williams and Mark Anderson to rush the QB in 4-3. Would this new formation only be used on obvious passing downs?
  7. I'm confused as to who knows Mark and whether or not he suffers from migraines
  8. This is the first time i've read something in this forum that I'm actally hoping is sarcasm. I am on a crusade to standardize a sarcasm font.
  9. They just discovered Mayan calendars spanning 7,000 years. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2018184471_maya11.html The only bad part about a good start to the season is that we can't get 100% excited if we're 3-0 or 6-2. Not after last season.
  10. Teachers don't get paid to discuss Bills football and it's a shame. The annual salary of how much I give a crap is $00,000.00 a year. T.O. would do a television show that filmed him begging for money on the street because he's an attention whore.
  11. I'm seated and facing forward. Grew up in Rochester, escaped to Hampton Roads, VA.
  12. There are 3 MTV channels. Morons need more than 1 channel to watch Jersey Shore. I'm still trying to figure out how exactly it is "music."
  13. I think they're investing on more inconspicuous cameras to spy on practices, and all off-season moves are a smoke screen
  14. The Cheatriots mouth piece keeps getting more and more airtime
  15. That was the best Spanish dubbing I have ever heard.
  16. Is that the TwoBillsDrive app you deleted? Didn't see it in the app store.
  17. Steve Tasker was my favorite Bill. I didn't like how down he was on the Bills when he began broadcasting. But then again, we havent been good for a long time.
  18. All that respect must come from winning 1 of the last 8 games of the season, right? We should probably keep that going. A premiere QB would destroy what look half a season to build.
  19. If you're looking for an older WR... for what? Financial advice? Instructions on how to be a diva? Ask what it's like to be a cancer in the locker room?
  20. Jim Kelly's #12 is the only officially jersey number that has been retired
  21. Dixon has 3 starts but more INTs than TDs, more fumbles than rush TDs
  22. I know! When your QB has trouble with the deep ball, it is totally unreasonable to think he would want to incorporate strength training!
  23. While attempted suicide by shooting oneself in the chest isn't uncommon as I thought, it is still suspicious. I've seen too many mob movies maybe, but I hope the case is thoroughly investigated with open minds.
  24. You did take your chances with Thigpen. Last year, Remember when Fitz cracked his ribs? He's the QB nobody put in so Fitz could heal up. Real quality money being spent on that guy. But he's GOT to be better than Young, right? The way he warmed the bench was classy. Holding the clipboard during our 8 game slide was WAY better than Young's. His hand position on the clipboard was just great to watch. You're right. You've convinced me. Thigpen is the man! Not the guy who on the Titans ran for every first down on 3rd and long against us while we were getting the middle finger from Bud Adams. Thigpen! I've got a fever, and the only prescription is more Thigpen!
  25. Lol, I see what you did there. Funny how people who think spygate was no big deal sound alot like people who thought Barry Bonds home run record was legit.
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