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Everything posted by benderbender

  1. This thread turned me around on Fitz. We should all send him $5.
  2. Yeah I'm also rooting for Batch to make sure we don't have a prayer at the wild card.
  3. Yes, the troll is right! Only certain posters here can determine who can be fans of this crappy team. The hierarchy based on squatters rights on who has been on the shoutbox the longest and remembers the most banned posters. Myself, I was googling teams swirling the drain and this forum was the site that came up when I clicked the "I'm feeling lucky button."
  4. If the Jags bring their tarps with them, 64,321
  5. It's the reason for my avatar. Teddy Bruschi wants you to think that.
  6. That sentiment is shared by many including myself.
  7. An hour lunch? That's a 8 hour day! Not much time for the wife and kids though. You get home in time to go to bed.
  8. Alex Smith = Trent Edwards. His best talent is not turning the ball over and that's about it.
  9. I was encouraged by the re-signing of Stevie, but i'm still expecting a Poz-like underwhelming effort to re-sign and we watch another one of the talented few walk away
  10. The ultimate kindness would be to lose out, but they won't. They'll win two to get us that coveted 14th pick
  11. Yeah the whole "It's going to be so sweet when we finally win it all" argument is starting to sound like wishful thinking. My ghost will be so stoked when it happens in 2143. Hopefully the family I'm haunting that far in the future will be Bills fans too.
  12. The people who need to hear it the most just turn off their hearing aids
  13. The 49ers just found their QB of the future, no way they're trading him away for plain ol Alex Smith's downward slide
  14. Buffalo is going to feel NO fans if we don't get new ownership
  15. According to http://firechangailey.com/. Accurate? Or biased?
  16. Gailey knows handing the ball off to Spiller is our best bet so he thinks they think we think that. So by NOT running Spiller, he's being outside the box...of reality.
  17. Hooray! He sure knows how to turn it on when it counts!
  18. I have a candle ready
  19. It seems like the prevailing attitude is to create a different sport. But it's mostly sounding like arena football mixed with the 90's American Gladiators tv show.
  20. There's a 50-50 chance if that
  21. It seems the question is would ya shave her head? Why me? I'm no stylist.
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