Nice guy Great team mate gets the huge bucks to tow the company line . He's a 2nd string player who has started on poor teams with very bad drafts!! Great for his bank account bad for US The Fans!!
Yes, I think they're all stupid.
He is an absolute trainwreck out there trying to play linebacker. He was a below-average defensive end. He is humiliatingly bad playing in space as a linebacker.
Every single snap, he'll turn his back to the line of scrimmage, run ploddingly for a bit, then if the ball is near him, the carrier will run around him while he shows off the hip-turn and change of direction ability of...well...a lineman.
You don't have to use some sort of transcendental, next-level thinking to figure out why he is on this team. He probably is one whale of a nice guy, and maybe his teammates/employers like him. That can account for someone with substandard ability thriving within the organization (this is pretty horrible too, tbh).
Just use your eyes. Don't over-think it. Don't search for a deeper meaning. Just watch him play.
Sorry Kelsay's Mom, but your son is very, very bad at his job.